Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Peace Dividend Trust Timor-Leste, Marketing Associate (Re-advertised).

Marketing Associate (“FILLED”)
Job Description
Dili, Timor-Leste

9 months, with a 3-month probationary period and potential for renewal

Peace Dividend Trust fosters and implements innovations in peace and humanitarian operations. We are a non-profit foundation dedicated to making aid missions more efficient, effective and equitable, delivering a stronger peace and a larger peace dividend.
Only a small fraction of contracts for goods and services in Timor-Leste are awarded to local companies. International organizations active in Timor-Leste source most goods and services abroad, or through large international companies operating in Timor-Leste. With an innovative approach, PDT is working together with local businesses, associations and international buyers located in Timor-Leste to increase local procurement in order to benefit the local private sector and economy.

Responsibilities and Duties
·         Develop a communications strategy/marketing plan that increases the visibility of Peace Dividend Trust and the Timor-Leste Marketplace project to two key stakeholder groups: international buyers and local vendors.
·         Direct research on market-related topics including key sectors and sub-sectors in Timor-Leste, procurement procedures of international buyers, and other relevant business development topics.
·         Manage advertising, the “Buy Local” promotional campaign, and events such as vendor fairs and conferences.
·         Develop innovative ways to promote local procurement through social media.
·         Oversee corporate messaging, including talking points, written materials, and success stories.
·         Represent PDT among the international buyer community and at other key events as required.
·         Perform other duties as assigned by the Country Director.

Reporting Lines
Reports to the Country Director and coordinates with key staff as required.

            • Fluency in English and Tetun is required. Experience in translation would be an asset
            • Minimum of 3 years work experience.
            • University degree in a relevant field. Master’s degree preferred.
            • Experience working with small and medium enterprises in Timor-Leste.
            • Experience in marketing, particularly in the use of social media.
            • Excellent communication skills (written and oral) as well as networking skills.
            • Demonstrable experience in the organization of large scale events such as conferences and trade fairs.

Application Process
Interested candidates are invited to send a CV and brief cover letter by email to timor-leste@pdtglobal.org or directly to PDT’s office in Estrada Balide, Dili, Timor-Leste.
The position will remain open until filled.
Peace Dividend Trust would like to thank all candidates for their application, however only those short-listed will be contacted for further processing.

Tetum Version

Gerente ba Asuntus Merkadoria
Deskripsaun servisu nian
Fatin servisu
Dili, Timor-Leste

Fulan 9, ho probasaun de servisu ba periodu fulan 3 nia laran no iha potensia atu renova fila fali kontratu.

Peace Dividend Trust hatudu no implemeta inovasaun iha parte operasaun humanitariu ba dame nian. Ami nia organizasaun ne’e hanesan fundasaun non-profit nebe dedika ba ajudus misaun hotu atu efisiente, efektivu, ekuilibre no fo dame nebe forte nomos hetan beneficio dame nian.
Iha factus katak kontratu ki’ik kona ba sasan ou servisu balun mak manan hosi kompanha lokal sira. Organizasaun Internasional nebe activu iha Timor-Leste sosa sasan barak liu dereitamente husi rai liur, nomos liu husi kompanha bo’ot estrangeirus nebe operasiona iha Timor-Leste. Liu husi aprosimasaun inovativu, PDT servisu ho kompanha lokal sira, assosiasaun no sosanain internasional iha Timor-Leste atu hasae prokuramentu lokal nebe sei fo benefisiu ba seitor privadu no ekonomia.

Servisu no responsabilidades
  • Dezenvolve planu stratejia komunikasaun/merkaduria ida nebe aumenta visibilidade Peace Dividend Trust nian no projetu Timor-Leste Marketplace ba ba grupus importante rua mak hanesan; sosa nain internasional no vendedores lokal
  • Buka topikus nebe dereitamente iha relasaun ho merkaduria inklui seitor importante no sub-seitor sira iha Timor Leste, prosedur prokuramentu sosa nain internasional sira, no topiku seluk kona ba bisnis nebe relevante ba dezenvolvimentu seitor privado.
  • Meneja advertising, ba promusaun kampanha “Buy Local”, no eventus sira hanesan feira ba vendedores no konferensia sira.
  • Dezenvolve dalan inovativu oinsa promove prokuramentu lokal liu husi media sosial.
  • Toma konta mensajen kolaborasaun, inklui pontus kualia nian, hakerek materia no historia sucsesu nian.
  • Representa entre PDT no sosanain komunidade internasional sira ba eventus importante nebe premite.
  •  Halao servisu seluk nebe delega husi Country Director.

Linha Reportajen
Relata deretamente ba Country Director no halo kordenasaun ba staff importante sira nebe delega.

  • Hatene diak kualia lian Ingles no Tetun. Experiensia halo tradusaun nebe sei sai hanesan aset.
  • Minimum iha esperiensia servisu tinan 3.
  • Graduado Universidade nebe relevante. Master’s degree diak liu.
  • Experiensia servisu ho companha bo’ot ka medium iha Timor-Leste.
  • Experiensia iha marketing, partikularmente hatene uja ou halo koneksaun ho media social ou publiko.
  • Skill komunikasaun nebe diak tebes skill (hakerek no kualia) hanesan mos skil ligasaun/networking.
  • Hatudu esperiensia organiza eventus nebe skala bo’ot hanesan konferensia no feiras.

Prosesu aplikasaun
Konvida kandidatu sira nebe interese atu haruka CV ho karta/cover letter ba email timor-leste@pdtglobal.org ou direita ba edifisiu PDT nian iha Estrada Balide, Dili, Timor-Leste.
Posisaun ne’e sei loke to’o hetan kandidatu atu servisu
Peace Dividend Trust hato’o obrigadu ba aplikantes sira, maibe sira nebe mak tama shot list mak sei kontaktu atu tama ba prosesu tuir mai.

Peace Dividend Trust Timor-Leste, Business Verification Associate (Re-advertised).

Terms of Reference

Business Verification Associate
Peace Dividend Trust – Timor-Leste

Position Description
The Business Verification Associate will manage and direct the Business Verification sub-project of the Peace Dividend Marketplace - Timor-Leste (PDM-TL) project. This position functions directly under the country director and alongside the other associates of the PDM-TL project.

Location: Dili, with monthly travels to all districts within Timor-Leste

Duration: Probationary term of three months, with an extension option of up to one year and beyond.

Closing date: Posted 11 January 2010. Open until filled.

The responsibilities include but are not limited to:
·         Overseeing overall operations of the Business Verification sub-project that performs the following activities: the verification and re-verification of new and existing business across each district, management of the PDM-TL Online Procurement Database and the dissemination of information detailing Timor-Leste’s growing private sector;
·         Managing a small team of Business Verification Assistants and monitoring their performance;
·         Formulating strategic work plans and organizing their implementation;
·         Guiding and assisting with the collection, organization and verification of detailed information of businesses across Timor-Leste to be entered into PDM-TL’s Online Procurement Database;
·         Providing weekly and monthly feedback to the PDM-TL Country Director in written and oral form;
·         Working closely with the office manager and other PDM-TL sub-project associates to streamline and improve all activities and services undertaken by the project;
·         Performing other duties appropriate to the post as agreed with the Country Director.

·         At minimum an undergraduate degree but a masters degree is preferred.
·         Developed leadership skills.
·         Fluency in English and Tetun required, as well as a working knowledge of written and spoken Bahasa Indonesia. Portuguese and other Timorese languages advantageous but not required.
·         Excellent organizational skills and attention to details.
·         Knowledge of logistics and the procurement process.
·         Experience working within the private sector of Timor-Leste is strongly desirable. 
·         Superior interpersonal and communication skills.

Application Process
To apply for this position, send a brief presentation letter and CV to Ms. Claire Parois at parois@pdtglobal.org  or directly to the Peace Dividend Trust office in Estrada Balide, Dili.

About PDT
Peace Dividend Trust is a non-profit foundation dedicated to making peace and humanitarian operations more efficient, effective and equitable, delivering a stronger peace and a larger peace dividend. For more information, please visit our website www.peacedividendtrust.org . 

Tetum Version

Termos de Referensia
Business Verification Associate
Peace Dividend Trust – Timor-Leste

Deskripsaun Posisaun
Business Verification Associate sei meneja no organija sub-projektu verifikasaun negocio  Peace Dividend Marketplace – projektu Timor-Leste (PDM-TL). Posisaun ne’e nia funsaun sei deriji direitu husi country director no hanesan mos associate sira seluk iha projektu PDM-TL.    

Location: Dili, with monthly travels to all districts within Timor-Leste
Fatin Servisu, Iha Dili no sei hala’o servisu kada fulan ba distrito hotu-hotu iha Timor Leste tomak. 

Durasaun: Provasaun durante fulan tolu, no sei fo extensaun to’o tinan ida no liu.

Data Remata: Hahu loron 11 Janeiro 2010. Sei loke to’o hetan kandidatu atu prence faga refere.

Responsablidades inklui mais la limita ba:
·         Atu tau matan ba servisu sub-projektu verifikasaun negocio sira hanesan aktividades tuir mai: re-verifikasaun no verifika negocio foun no negocio nebe existe iha distrito hotu-hotu, meneja PDM-TL Online Procurement Database no deseminasaun informasaun hodi hasa’e setor privadu iha Timor-Leste.
·         Meneja equipa assisten verifikasaun negicio ki’ik ida no halo monitorizasaun ba sira nia servisu. 
·         Forma planu estrategia servisu no organiza implementasaun hotu-hotu.
·         Hatudu no ajuda atu koleta, organiza no verifika informasaun negoscio nebe detailu iha Timor-Leste nia laran hodi hatama ba PDM-TL Online Procurement Database.
·         Hato’o relatorio servisu iha eskrita no oral kada semana no fulan ba PDM-TL Country Director.
·         Servisu besik liu ho office manager no PDM-TL nia sub-projektu sira seluk hodi alkansa no eleva aktividade no servisu hotu-hotu  nebe hala’o iha projektu ne’e.
·         Hala’o servisu seluk ho apropriadu tuir postu nebe aseita husi Country Director. 

·         Minimum ho kualifikasaun S1 se iha S2 (master degree) sei preoridade liu.
·         Dezamvolve skill lideransa.
·         Kolia Ingles no tetun di’ak inklui hakarek di’ak iha lian ingles no Indonesia. Portugues no lian seluk iha Timor laran mos vantagen mais la obrigatori.   
·         Iha skill di’ak kona ba organizasaun no atensaun ba detailu. 
·         Hatene kona ba servisu logistiku no prosesu prokuramentu.
·         Esperensia servisu ho setor privadu iha Timor-Leste mak vantagen liu.  
·         Iha komunikasaun di’ak no bele servisu hamutuk ho ema hotu. 

Procesu Aplikasaun
Atu hatama applikasaun ba posisaun ida ne’e, bele haruka karta aplikasaun no CV ba Sra. Claire Parois liu husi dirasaun e-mail parois@pdtglobal.org  ou bele lori direita ba iha edevisiu Peace Dividend Trust iha Estrada Balide, Dili.

Kona ba PDT
Peace Dividend Trust mak entidade non-benefisiario ida establese atu hala’o pas no operasaun humanitaria nebe efisiensia, efektivu liu no justu, hodi fahe pas no habelar pas ba ema hotu. Informasaun kle’an liu, bele visita ami nia linha website www.peacedividenttrust.org

Triangle GH, Logistic Coordinator.

Job Description – Logistic Coordinator
Timor Leste

Funding: CDM via USAID Fund
Function: Logistic Coordinator
Duration: 6 month
Status: Volunteer or salaried depending on the experience. For further information and an application form visit www.trianglegh.org
Conditions: Monthly local per diem 420 €, social benefits, lodging and international transport and local within the mission scale.



Triangle Génération Humanitaire is an International Aid Organization created in 1994. It has initiated numerous programs in various countries and in doing so, has provided direct or indirect support to several hundreds of thousand persons. Its interventions are characterized by a global approach to humanitarian aid, combining Emergency and Development. The Association is a mainspring of projects which it elaborates with national partners by identifying and mobilizing local resources and competences.

Triangle is present in East Timor since 2004. In 2009 we have for objectives to:

• Support to the victims of the crisis affecting East Timor through intercommunity conflicts reduction
Project in the area of Becora in Dili

• Improve access to drinking water for rural population of Manatuto and Oecusse districts.
Through DWASH project


-          Supervise the international tender
-          Supervise the operational and structural departments procurement needs.
-          Ensure the respect of the purchase process
-           Supervise the monthly follow up for purchases.
-          Supervise the filling of the procurement documents
-          Supervise the update of prices through the catalogue
-          Responsible for any relation with CDM ( the contractor)

-          Control the accounting data on the logistic documents
-          Establish the logistic activities financial needs

-          Control the communication process of the mission
-          Set up and update the internal and external communication list
-          In charge of the satellite communication means.

-          Control equipment on all bases and projects
-          In charge of the inventory and its communication
-          In charge of final inventory for donors end of project
-          In charge of the fleet management

-          Participate to the internal communication report for the logistic department
-          Participate to the donor report for the logistic part
-          Set up and follow a regular logistic reporting system between the  bases and the capital
-          Represent the INGO in specific logistic meetings or clusters.

-          Define the needs of the logistic team and the appropriate organisation
-          Write the job description of the logistic team members
-          Organise the recruitment of the logistic department
-          Train the logistic team members to the tools and the process
-          To manage the Dili logistic team
-          To be a support to the bases logistic district coordinator and logistician
-          Organise and follow the holidays for the logistic staff
-          In charge of the regular evaluation of the staff 

-          Participate to the security plan update for all bases
-          To check the application of the security rules
-          Ensure that the material link to security is present and working
-          Participate to the decision regarding the security of all bases in collaboration with the end of mission
-          Ensure that the INGO visibility on all the mission, bases, vehicles and staff
-          Ensure that the process link to the watching and the communication are applied.

-          Ensure the application of the stock process on all bases
-          Supervise the bases fuel consumption (vehicles and generator)
-          Ensure the order of all mission fuel
-          Supervise the final inventory for all stock at the end of a program

-          Supervise the fleet management
-          Supervise the control of the vehicles movement
-          Supervise the expeditions (check all documents are correct)
-          Supervise the correct organisation of transport ( international and custom)

-          Experience and good knowledge of the humanitarian field (functioning of NGOs, donors such as ECHO)
-          Good technical knowledge linked to logistic.
-          Mastering the communication tools (HF, VHF, satellite phones and modems)
-          Mastering the various computer tools such as Excel, Word, Power Point, etc
-          Competencies and significant experience (at least 1 year) in logistic area
-          Ability to write up reports (excellent and treated written knowledge in English and is possible French) and concern for good documents appearance,
-          Ability to set training (knowledge/competencies transfer),

10 expatiates (1 head of mission, 1 program coordinator , 1 administrative coordinator , 1 logistic coordinator, 2 district coordinator, 2 civil engineer,  1 purchaser, 1 psychosocial manager )

34 national employees

Triangle GH, District Coordinator.

District Coordinator - Job description

Funding: CDM via USAID Fund
Function: District coordinator
Duration: 6 month
Status: Volunteer or salaried depending on the experience. For further information and an application form visit www.trianglegh.org
Conditions: Monthly local per diem 420 €, social benefits, lodging and international transport and local within the mission scale.


Triangle Génération Humanitaire is an International Aid Organization created in 1994. It has initiated numerous programs in various countries and in doing so, has provided direct or indirect support to several hundreds of thousand persons. Its interventions are characterized by a global approach to humanitarian aid, combining Emergency and Development. The Association is a mainspring of projects which it elaborates with national partners by identifying and mobilizing local resources and competences.

Triangle is present in East Timor since 2004. In 2009 we have for objectives to:
  • Support to the victims of the crisis affecting East Timor through intercommunity conflicts reduction. Project in the area of Becora in Dili
  • Improve access to drinking water for rural population of Manatuto and Oecusse districts. Through DWASH project


  1. Objective

Within the DWASH program (USAID-GoTL), manage and coordinate the water sector activities at district level and ensure geographical coordination with the other sectors (NRM, sanitation and hygiene).

  1. Responsibilities

Under the direct authority of the Program Coordinator and the Head of Mission, the District Coordinator supervises the good implementation of the program and is responsible for the achievement of the program objectives at district level. In particular his/her main responsibilities are to:

·         Represent TGH at district level.
·         Manage the program at district level (budget management, HR management, material supply and warehouses management, water activities: community engagement process, rehabilitation/construction of water systems, etc.)
·         Plan, monitor, review the water activities and report on work progress
·         Manage TGH district team: technical (engineer, supervisor) and logistics (logistician, storekeepers).
·         Manage the coordination of the different stakeholders of the program: TGH team, local NGOs team, community-based water committees, local authorities and other DWASH partners. Especially is in direct collaboration with the local NGOs counterparts.
·         Ensure that the program is a community-based program (community engagement process), that community participation is enhanced in all the steps, and that community water groups are set up and trained to keep on the operation and maintenance of the water systems after completion of the works
·         Encourage gender aspects throughout the program
·         Ensure that TGH rules and regulations are enforced on site

  1. Main tasks

General management, planning and reporting
·         Develop and regularly update a comprehensive activities plan (including financial, logistic and time constraints)
·         Chair weekly meeting with DWASH water grant NGOs’ coordinators to review and plan the water activities
·         Chair weekly meetings to ensure geographical coordination between all DWASH sector NGOs at cluster level
·         Maintain weekly communication with DWASH Technical Advisor to report on general coordination issues and relationships with local governmental water authorities (SAS).
·         Assess the gaps and skills of the water grant NGOs and develop capacity building plan accordingly together with the NGOs and TGH team.
·         Participate to the setting up and review of water NGO financial budgets
·         Validate the written documents produced by the water grant NGOs
·         Ensure reporting of activities: weekly/monthly report to TGH Program Coordinator
·         Ensure coordination with TGH support sections at Dili level:
o        Program Coordinator for general program coordination
o        Dili Logistic team for logistic issues
o        Dili administrator for human resources, administration and financial aspects
o        Head of Mission for security issues
·         Inform TGH Program Coordinator of any occurred or potential dysfunctions that could impact negatively on the program

Team management
·         Draft and update the job descriptions of TGH national operational team,
·         Is responsible for the recruitment of the national operational staff
·         Carry out regular evaluations of TGH district national team
·         Supervise the district team: TGH district Engineer, TGH operational staffs, district logistician
·         Train and support TGH national team and DWASH water grant NGOs on the Community Engagement Process
·         Ensure safety and appropriate living and working conditions on all site operations and main district base

Operational activities
·         Participate to the selection of DWASH intervention area
·         Supervise the whole implementation of the water activities, in close collaboration with TGH district engineer: Community Engagement process, Technical assessment and Engineering Proposition, Reception and storage of materials, setting up and strengthening of Community water groups and implementation of rehabilitation/construction works.
·         Support the TGH district engineer:
o        Supervise technical choices (designs and types of materials)
o        Review technical documents
o        Review the operational procurements planning
o        Participate to the technical data collection and/or analysis; monitoring of work progress
·         Conduct regular site visits to check the work progress, the quality of the construction of the water infrastructures and the respect of TGH rules and regulations on site operations
·         Ensure that the activities carried out by DWASH water grant NGOs follow TGH directions

Logistics, budget
·         Validate any procurements
·         Follow up TGH budget lines and forecast expenses
·         Ensure proper communication flow between the district logistician, the Dili logistics team and the district operational team
·         Ensure the logistics processes (procurements, stock management) are respected at district level.

·         Coordinate with TGH Head of Mission to ensure a secure working and living environment to TGH district staffs
·         Set up and update emergency kits and procedures

10 expatiates (1 head of mission, 1 program coordinator , 1 administrative coordinator , 1 logistic coordinator, 2 district coordinator, 2 civil engineer,  1 purchaser, 1 psychosocial manager )

34 national employees