Wednesday, April 21, 2010

World Bank, Short Term Cosultant, Justice for the Poor Timor-Leste, Deadline April 23, 2010.

Terms of Reference

Short Term Consultant
Justice for the Poor Timor-Leste
World Bank
Location:         Dili, Timor-Leste, with considerable field work (50% or more of the contract)
Duration:         1 May 2010 – 30 December 2010

Recruitment:   Local

  1. Justice for the Poor Timor Leste (J4P-TL) was launched in July 2008 under the theme “Expanding Citizenship in an Expanding State”.  The two main fields of work under this program are: (i) state-building at the local level; and (ii) land and natural resource management.
  2. Under its local level state-building sub-focus, J4P examines the relationships between citizens, traditional institutions and the formal state, including an analysis of how each understands, defines, accesses, claims and enforces rights and entitlements to state-provided benefits.  Research is grounded in the ample literature on state-building and local level governance and provides practical analysis of how competing concepts of statehood and identity (national, sub-national, group, etc) impact conflict, stability, and development.
  3. Analytical activities seek to clarify the means of citizen-state engagement – whether directly or through intermediary authorities – as well as the relationship between centralized and decentralized state authorities, and state and non-state actors. Research will also examine how the government’s current methods of expanding state presence impact the state’s legitimacy and helps (or not) to meet citizen’s expectations.
  4. Research findings then seek to mainstream equity and conflict-sensitivity in the delivery of government services and programs and donor projects (World Bank and others).  This is achieved by providing applied policy advice, inputs into project designs, project  evaluations and the implementation of pilot activities, all informed by detailed social research.  The aim is to equip communities to express demand for services and to build the capacity of the state and non-state institutions to respond to the demand.

II. Upcoming Activities
  1. Beginning May of 2010, J4P will engage in a research activity with the Bank’s Social Protection (SP) unit to complement a nationally-representative survey examining social pensions for the elderly, the disabled and the Bolsa da Mae program (for female-headed households) executed by the Ministry of Social Solidarity.  The survey will be complemented by discrete qualitative field exercises to provide information on benefit access and dispute resolution, communication and program execution.  It is anticipated that the research findings will assist the team to design social accountability mechanisms for SP operations and decentralization reforms more generally.
  2. A variety of additional activities, both analytical and operational, are anticipated in the second half of 2010. These include dissemination of findings from research on community decision-making around development benefits conducted in partnership with the World Bank’s Social Development Unit (SDV) and Luta Hamutuk in 2009, continued input into the decentralization process, and possible work on dispute resolution and accountability mechanisms within development programs.
III. Duties and Responsibilities
  1. The Consultant will work on activities under the State-Building at the Local Level (SBLL) program focus. While additional activities may be added as new streams of work are launched, the main duties and responsibilities of the Consultant will be:
  2. General
·         Contribute to the development of concept notes and research plans for J4P research;
·         Manage research and operational design activities together with local partners in government and civil society;
·         Plan, implement and monitor (together with local partners) SBLL research findings;
·         Participate in workshops, conference, and other forums, both in Timor-Leste and abroad, as appropriate and required.
·         Assist in the development and maintenance of a dialogue process involving Government of Timor-Leste officials, local non-governmental organizations, universities, research institutions, and other stakeholders;
·         Contribute to the development of work plans, research questions, field research guides, and other project documentation;
·         Review literature and legislation relevant to the program;
·         Other duties as required.

9.   Social Protection Research
·         Assist in the day-to-day management of a local partner institution;
·         Provide ongoing training and guidance to the research team on research methodologies, data management, and data analysis;
·         Monitor and mentor researchers during all project stages;
·         Independently manage field research in one or more project sites, including management of relations with the research partner, research team, and communities, collection of research data, analysis of findings, and organization and maintenance of program information and documentation;
·         Provide regular updates on interim research findings to the J4P team;
·         Assist in the preparation of publication-quality written reports on project findings;
·         Contribute substantially to the development of follow-on activities stemming from research, including a strategy for dissemination research results.

10.   Dissemination of J4P/SDV Findings
·         Assist in the day-to-day management of a local partner institution;
·         Provide substantial feedback on written products produced for dissemination;
·         Together with the partner institution and J4P-TL colleagues, ensure that dissemination activities are carried out as planned in research sites throughout Timor-Leste;
·         Together with J4P colleagues, maintain ongoing dialogue with the Ministry of State Administration, SDV, and other partners.

IV. Required Skills and Competencies

11. The successful candidate will possess some or all of the following skills and  competencies:
a.       Required:
·         University degree in anthropology, political science, or a relevant field from an internationally-accredited institution;
·         Ability to communicate clearly in written and spoken English and Tetum;
·         Proven work experience conducting research using qualitative methodologies;
·         Ability to build and maintain relationships with people from diverse backgrounds and work effectively in a team;
·         In-depth understanding of the social and political environment of Timor-Leste;
·         Willingness to work long hours under pressure to meet deadlines;
·         Independence, flexibility, and leadership skills;
·         Willingness to work in remote areas under sometimes difficult conditions, including on evenings and weekends where necessary.

  1. Desired:
·         Previous experience working with the Government of  Timor-Leste, local NGOs, or donor institutions on similar areas;
·         Experience training and mentoring a research team;
·         Previous experience in the areas of decentralization, social protection, community-driven development, and/or dispute resolution.

V. Additional Information
12. This position is based in Dili, Timor-Leste, with substantial time spent in field locations throughout the country.
13. Timorese Nationals Only may submit a current CV in English, contact information for two academic and/or professional references (including one from the most recent employer/professor), and a short cover letter detailing interest and related experience to Geraldo Moniz da Silva ( and Pamela Dale ( by 23 April 2010

Fundasaun Mahein (FM), Office/Finance Manager, Deadline May 03, 2010.

Fundasaun Mahein (FM ) Buka;

Loke ba Cidadaun Timor-Leste deit:

Tezureru/Office / Finance Manager
Office Manager (OM) sei hakna’ar hanesan senior administrasaun ho finansa/tezureru ba ONG FM.
Pozisaun ida ne’e sei maneza no administra rekursu humano, financial/tezureru, IT ho sistema procuremento nebe’e persiza hodi suporta ba programa atividadesFM. Ba dadaun ne’e FM nia atividades maka dezemvolve participasaun sidadaun ho socidade sivil iha prosesu determinasaun ba dezisaun politika, lejislasaun ho osamentu ba Timor-Leste nia seitor siguransa. Atu hetan informasaun barak konaba asuntu ne’e bele ba vizita FM nia website iha:

Termu ho Referensia

Ho tulun no suporta hosi Direitor Esekutivuho nia adjuntu , servisu sira nebe’e delega ba Tezureru/Office / Finance Manager maka tuir mai ne’e:

Administra, Maneza ho servisu Financial:
  1. Establise sistema financial, rekursu humano, prokuremento ho sistema IT ba FM nia office ho programa.
  2. Maneza ho  implementa sistema nebe’e temi iha leten ho suporta atividade program.
  3. Establise manutensaun ba arkivu relevante ba sistema elektroniku , hardcopy ho formatu elektroniku seluk.
  4. Ho tulun ka asistensia hosi Direitor Esekutivuajuda halo relatoriu financial ba donor sira.
  5. Halo relatoriu financial ba donor.
  6. Ajuda halo rekrutament, no administra servisu ka staff administrasaun nian.
  7. Administra ka Maneza siguransa iha FM nia edevisiu ka office.
  8. Responsabilidade seluk persiza kuandu hetan delega hosi Direitor Esekutivu
  9. Estabelese Sistema Operasaun standar  prosedur ba finansa hanesan mymoney, ho seluktan.

Lalaok Relatorio
Tezureru/ Office / Finance Manager, sei servisu hamutuk ho direitor Esekutivuho nia adjuntu ka delagasaun ruma.

Kandidatu sei demonstra tuir kualifikasaun esperensia tuir mai ne’e:
  • S1 ka profesiona/diciplina relevante.
  • Esperensia maksimum tinan 3 ba pozisaun hanesan.
  • Demonstra ka hatene seitor siguransa ho interpertasaun nebe klean Hatene konaba ajensia donor ho grante
  • Hatene opera komputador iha programa basiku MS-Office programs Word, Excel, Power Point.
  • Hatene kria ka gravasaun ba FM nia publikasuan.
  • Esperensia iha organizasaun ho jeito superviza ba staff.
  • Pesoal diak no bele servisu iha grupo.
  • Hatene kualia/hakerek diak Tetum, Indonezia ho ingles karik persiza.
  • Hahalok diak- obrigatoriu.

Fatin: Dili, Timor-Leste.
Durasaun kontratu: Provisoriu ba tempu orentasaun fulan 2, depois hanaruk kontratu ba tinan 1 ka liu.

Vaga ne’e sei taka 3 May 2010.
Atu aplika ba vaga ne’e, haruka CV ba Nelson Belo, Direitor Esekutivu Fundasaun Mahein iha   telemovel +670 737 4222.

Atensaun: Lalais keta lakon tempu ba oportunidade ida ne’e ?!!!

Fundasaun Mahein (FM) is seeking: Office / Finance Manager

Open for Timorese citizens only.

The Office Manager will act as the senior administrative and finance officer for the newly established National NGO “ FM”.  This position will manage and administer the human resources, financial, IT and procurement systems required to support the programme activities of FM.  At present its primary activity is the development of civil society and citizen participation in the process of determining policy, legislation and budgets for the Timorese security sector. For more information about FM see its website at

Terms of Reference

At the direction, and with the support, of the Executive Director, or his/her deputy, the tasks of the Office / Finance Manager will include the following:
Administrative, Management and Financial Tasks:
  1. Establish financial, human resources, procurement and IT systems for FM’s office and programmes.
  2. Manage and implement the above mentioned systems in support of programme activities.
  3. Establish and maintain files pertaining to the above systems, both in electronic, hardcopy and online formats.
  4. With the advice and assistance of the Executive Director Financial donor reporting requirements.
  5. Provide financial reporting services for donor reports.
  6. Assist in the recruitment of, and oversee the work of support and administrative staff.
  7. Oversee the maintenance and security of the FM Office.
  8. Other appropriate tasks as agreed with the Executive Director.

Reporting lines
The Office / Finance Manager, will work closely with and report to the Executive Director tor or the Deputy or delegated representative.

The candidate will demonstrate the following qualifications and experience:
  • A relevant undergraduate degree with a preference for administration and management disciplines.
  • A minimum of 3 years experience in a similar position, either in the private or non-profit sector.
  • A demonstrable understanding of donor agency practices and requirements of grantees.
  • Experience with basic MS-Office programs such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint,  etc. Financial software skills desirable.
  • Strong organizational and supervisory skills and experience.
  • Good interpersonal skills and team working ability.
  • Fluent in Tetum, knowledge Indonesian and English desirable.
  • Strong character references are mandatory as the post require handling of funds.

Location: Dili, Timor-Leste.
Duration: Probationary term of two months, with extension up to one year and beyond.

Closing Date: May 03, 2010.
To apply for this position, send a brief email and CV to Nelson Belo, Executive Director Fundasaun Mahein at   Mobile: +670 737 4222.

Haburas Foundation, 4 Positions, Deadline April 23, 2010.


Rua Celestino da Silva, Farol, Dili Ocidental, Timor-Leste PO Box 390; Telp. +670-3310103

Anunsiú Empregu:
Fundasaun Haburas buka atu rekruta ema ida ho motivasaun bo’ot no entuziasta  atu sai Senior Ko-ordenadór ida no Ko-ordenadór iha Terenu tolu atu halao peskiza durante fulan 2 hobalu atu halo konsultasaun ho komunidade kona-ba sira nian nesesidades rai no atu informa projetu ‘Matadalan ba Rai’. Bele hetan iha kraik informasaun liu tan kona-bá projetu no termos da referensia ba pojisaun relevante hirak ne’e.
Organizasaun: Fundasaun Haburas
Projetu: Matadalan ba Rai
Pojisaun: Ema 1 nudar senior ko-ordenadór, Ema nain 3 nudar ko-ordenadór iha terenu
*hare deskrisaun iha kraik kona-ba projetu sira ne’e knar no funsaun pozisaun sira ne’e.
Durasaun: Loron 3, Fulan Maiu,  2010 – Loron 30, Fulan Junhu 2010
Bazeia iha: Orariu signifikante iha distritu do’ok husi Dili.


Se deit maka bele halo rekerementu?
Pozisaun ida ne’e nakloke ba  aplikant sira ne’ebé kualifikadu ami  fo mos koragem maka’as ba feto para atu aplika.

Oinsa atu halo rekerementu?
Favor ida manda dokumentu de aplikasaun hotu ba Sra. Meabh Cryan liu husi email,  ka lori aplikasaun direitamente ba kantor Fundasaun Haburas, Rua Governo da Silva, Farol, Dili ANTES de Sesta Feira, 23  Abril, 2010.
Applikantes hotu tenki inklui iha sira nian rekerementu
1.             Rezumu profisional ida (Curriculum Vitae)
2.             Karta  Eksplikasaun
Iha rezumu profisional tenki inklui informasuan tuir mai ne’e:
  • Detalle kona-bá esperensia de servisu, ou esperensia seluk ida ne’ebé relevante ho peskisa ida ne’e
  • Detalle kona-bá kualifikasaun sira, nivel ka/no esperiensia edukasaun
  • Rekomendasaun Profesional no/ka akademiku

Karta esplikasaun tenki inklui mos:
  • Ita bo’ot sira nia numeru de kontaktu ka diresaun relevante ruma
  • Explika ho klaru ba  pozisaun ida ne’ebé ita hatama ita nia aplikasaun
  • Esplika tamba saida maka ita hakarak servisu kona-ba assuntu rai iha Timor-Leste
  • Esplika liuliu tamba saida ita hakarak servisu ba pozisaun ida ne’e.
Aplikants  sira ne’ebé susesu deit maka sei hetan kontaktu. Aplikantes sira ho kualifikasaun maka’as sei tau iha lista badak hodi prepara ba entrevista. Entrevista sira sei halo Loron 26, 27 Abril.

Termus Referensia ba Senior Ko-ordenadór ba 
Projetu Matadalan ba Rai

Organizasaun:   Fundasaun Haburas
Projetu: Matadalan ba Rai
Informasaun Antesedentes: Rai maka assuntu ida impaktu ba Timor-Leste ne’ebe luan no komplexu liu iha Timor-Leste. Rai iha impaktu bo’ot ona no sei kontinua aban bainrua atu impaktu ba assuntu social, ekonomiku, meiu-ambiental no justisa iha Timor-Leste. Ho liman seluk rai maka kahidak baziku ba dalan moris rurale no iha vila laran, ba ekonomia locale, ba identidade, ba kultura no ba sosiedade.

Agora Dadaun;
·         Komunidade sira seidauk iha asesu ba informasaun, apoia ka laran-metin atu halo advokasia, proteje, halo mediasaun, dezenvolve ka buka solusaun sustantivel ba sira nian rai.
·         La iha politika ida metin husi governu ne’ebe fó protesaun ba ema sira nian asesu ba rai no dalan atu moris.
·         La iha komitmentu ba komunidade sira nian knar atu dezenvolve, kria no halo implementasaun ba politika, lejislasaun no projetu liga ho rai.
·         Ema ne’ebe involve iha prosesu hakerek no kria politika dala ladún barak ba bazeia atu buka komunidade sira nian lian kona-ba rai. Beibeik sira la hare’e oinsa komunidade bele fó tulun atu dezenvolve politika kona-ba assuntu rai ne’ebe komplexu.
·         Doadore sira iha pozisaun xave la prioriza konsultasaun hanesan parte xave iha prosesu kria politika no implementa prosesu. Tamba ida ne’e beibeik sira la fó apoiu ba prosesu konsultasaun sira. Sira mos la uza sira nian influenza atu prekoniza konsultasaun.
·         To’o agora ita foka atu realiza politika no lejislasaun ne’ebe presiza (liuliu ho politika ka lejislasaun ne’ebe presiza atu hamenus konflitu ka hasai dezenvolvimentu). Dala barak presiza halo hanesan ne’e atu realiza aktividade lalais, maibe dala barak bainhira dezenvolve politika lalais ita hare’e ba nasaun seluk, ba regra internasional ka lei husi fatin seluk, ita la hare’e ba kontextu Timor ka ba lian no hanoin komunidade sira.
·         Sosiedade sivil nivel nasional seidauk fó focus bo’ot atu hakbiit komunidade sira atu halo rasik advokasia kona-ba sira nia rai.

Tamba ida ne’e:
La iha komunidade barak ne’ebe involve iha advokasia kona-ba rai nivel baze. Iha komunidade uituan liutan ne’ebe hetan apoiu atu lori sira nian lian ba nivel nasional.
La iha informasaun ne’ebe to’o iha nivel nasional kona-ba komunidade sira nian presiza rai (real no haninu).
Projetu no politika sira mak dezena ho sasidak ne’ebe la to’o ba komunidade sira nian direitu no presiza sira. Seidauk iha politika ida ne’ebe proteje grupu rai ne’ebe kbiit laek[1]. Seidauk halo konsultasaun ida nasional kona-ba assuntu rai (aliened konsultasaun spesifiku ba Lei de Terras ne’ebe halo 2009) momentu ne’e seidauk iha intensaun atu halo konsultasaun luan ida kona-ba assuntu rai ka hakerek politika ida ne’ebe naka’it kona-ba rai.
Tamba ne’e perspektivu komunidade kona-ba rai la hetan konsiderasaun ne’ebe to’o.
Momentu ne’e iha nesesidade rua ne’ebe bo’ot liu ba sector rai iha Timor-Leste;
·         Halo advokasia ba governu, sira ne’ebe kria politika no doadores atu konsidera liu komunidade sira nian nesesidades, atu halo konsultasaun maka’as liu ho povu Timor-Leste, no atu hakerek politika ida ne’ebe proteje no promove direitu no knar komunidade sira ba assuntu rai.
·         Hakbiit komunidade sira[1] atu to critically analyse and engage with land policy and institutions, in order to look for new ways to administer, manage, protect and develop their land and related resources

Projetu nia objetivu jeral mak atu augmenta asesu ba informasaun kona-ba komunidade Timor oan sira nian nesesidades rai liu husi asesmentu assuntu rai baze komunidade atu;
1.             Hakbiit komunidade sira atu hanoin kritika no atu buka solusaun ba sira nian nesesidades rai. No mos atu;
2.             Ajuda auteur politika, governu, sosiedade sivil, no stakeholder sira seluk atu dezenvolve politika, lei, kampana advokasia no programma ne’ebe resposta ba nesesidades komunidade sira.
Actividade Sira
Fundalmentalmente projetu ida ne’e hakarak supporta komunidade sira atu fó lian ba sira nian hanoin, preokupasaun no nesesidades. Ita hakarak mos lori hamutuk lian sira ne’e katak sira bele fó influensia bo’ot liu ba prosesu hari’i politika, halo implementasaun ba Lei Rai, dezena projetu sira no kria stratejia advokasia.
Ita hakarak atinji alvu sira ne’e liu husi kadadak konsultasaun iha nivel nasional, distrital, no suko iha Distritu 5.
Liu husi konsultasaun sira ne’e ita prepara relatoriu ida ne’ebe inklui rekomendasaun ba komunidade, governu, sosiedade sivil no doadores sira kona-ba saida maka komunidade sira nian nesesidades rai reál.

Tarefa spesifiku ko-ordenadór senior:
Ajuda atu halo treinamentu ba representante distrital kona-ba assuntu rai, methodolojia konsultasaun.
  • Fó supporta ba representante distrital ho sira nian aktividades iha fokus distritu.
  • Ko-ordina ekipa staff Haburas ne’ebe servisu iha terenu atu organiza enkontru konsultasaun (inklui, oradór, lojistiku, finansas, partisipante, fasilitasaun).
  • Halo jestaun ba ekipa monitorizasaun, staff no fasilitadores sira.
  • Halo monitorizasaun no evaluasaun ba konsultasaun sira, partisipasaun no dadus ne’ebe foti.
  • Responsibiliza ba foti dadus hotu, no apresenta dadus hotu.
  • Parte ida ekipa ne’ebe hakerek relatoriú final no plannu ba oin.
  • Tarefa seluk liga ho projetu ne’ebe assigna husi Ko-ordinadór Senior, Diretór Haburas ka Asesór Tekniku.
  • Sira reporta bá Ko-ordinadór Senior, Diretór Haburas ka Asesór Tekniku.

Tempu: Fulan 3 (Abril 26 – Junhu 31) ho posibilidade atu extenda.

  • Dedikasaun ba knar komunidade atu define rasik sira nian vizaun dezenvolvimentu
  • Dedikasaun ba peskiza partisipativu, konsultasaun, no advokasia bazeia ba komunidade.
  • Esperiensia organiza peskiza partisipativu, konsultasaun no advokasia bazeia ba komunidade
  • Esperiensia hanesan fasilitadore kreativu
  • Kapasidade bo’ot atu halo jestaun ba ekipa fasilitadores iha fatin oioin.
  • Matenek jerál kona-ba assuntu rai (asesu ba rai, direitu ba rai, sector rai iha Timor no advokasia kona-ba assuntu rai)
  • Matenek kona-ba contextu political no institusional Timor-Leste nian.
  • Kapasidade bo’ot atu ko-ordina no halo jestaun ba konsultasaun nasional
  • Flexivel atu ba beibeik distritu ne’ebe do’ok husi Dili.
  • Esperiensia halo analyza ba dadus kualitativu.
  • Kapasidade atu servisu no prodús dokumentu iha lian Tetun.
  • Kapasidade atu servisu no prodús dokumentu iha lian Ingles
  • Koalia lian Bahasa Indonesia, Portuges ka lian lokal seluk mak advantajen bo’ot.

Kualifikasaun ne’ebe presiza:
  • Minimum tinan 5 esperiensia servisu ne’ebe relevante.
  • Diploma – Lei, Politika, Siensas Politika, Siensas Sosial ka topiku seluk ne’ebe relevante.
  • Kualifikasaun seluk ne’ebe relevante, liuliu kualifikasaun ka esperiensa hanesan fasilitadore.
Salariu; $550 – $650

Termu Referensia ba Ko-ordenadór Terenu Projetu Matadalan ba Rai

Organizasaun:   Fundasaun Haburas
Projetu: Matadalan ba Rai

Informasaun Antesedentes:
Rai maka assuntu ida impaktu ba Timor-Leste ne’ebe luan no komplexu liu iha Timor-Leste. Rai iha impaktu bo’ot ona no sei kontinua aban bainrua atu impaktu ba assuntu social, ekonomiku, meiu-ambiental no justisa iha Timor-Leste. Ho liman seluk rai maka kahidak baziku ba dalan moris rurale no iha vila laran, ba ekonomia locale, ba identidade, ba kultura no ba sosiedade.

Agora Dadaun;
·         Komunidade sira seidauk iha asesu ba informasaun, apoia ka laran-metin atu halo advokasia, proteje, halo mediasaun, dezenvolve ka buka solusaun sustantivel ba sira nian rai.
·         La iha politika ida metin husi governu ne’ebe fó protesaun ba ema sira nian asesu ba rai no dalan atu moris.
·         La iha komitmentu ba komunidade sira nian knar atu dezenvolve, kria no halo implementasaun ba politika, lejislasaun no projetu liga ho rai.
·         Ema ne’ebe involve iha prosesu hakerek no kria politika dala ladún barak ba bazeia atu buka komunidade sira nian lian kona-ba rai. Beibeik sira la hare’e oinsa komunidade bele fó tulun atu dezenvolve politika kona-ba assuntu rai ne’ebe komplexu.
·         Doadore sira iha pozisaun xave la prioriza konsultasaun hanesan parte xave iha prosesu kria politika no implementa prosesu. Tamba ida ne’e beibeik sira la fó apoiu ba prosesu konsultasaun sira. Sira mos la uza sira nian influenza atu prekoniza konsultasaun.
·         To’o agora ita foka atu realiza politika no lejislasaun ne’ebe presiza (liuliu ho politika ka lejislasaun ne’ebe presiza atu hamenus konflitu ka hasai dezenvolvimentu). Dala barak presiza halo hanesan ne’e atu realiza aktividade lalais, maibe dala barak bainhira dezenvolve politika lalais ita hare’e ba nasaun seluk, ba regra internasional ka lei husi fatin seluk, ita la hare’e ba kontextu Timor ka ba lian no hanoin komunidade sira.
·         Sosiedade sivil nivel nasional seidauk fó focus bo’ot atu hakbiit komunidade sira atu halo rasik advokasia kona-ba sira nia rai.

Tamba ida ne’e:
La iha komunidade barak ne’ebe involve iha advokasia kona-ba rai nivel baze. Iha komunidade uituan liutan ne’ebe hetan apoiu atu lori sira nian lian ba nivel nasional.
La iha informasaun ne’ebe to’o iha nivel nasional kona-ba komunidade sira nian presiza rai (real no haninu).
Projetu no politika sira mak dezena ho sasidak ne’ebe la to’o ba komunidade sira nian direitu no presiza sira. Seidauk iha politika ida ne’ebe proteje grupu rai ne’ebe kbiit laek[2]. Seidauk halo konsultasaun ida nasional kona-ba assuntu rai (aliened konsultasaun spesifiku ba Lei de Terras ne’ebe halo 2009) momentu ne’e seidauk iha intensaun atu halo konsultasaun luan ida kona-ba assuntu rai ka hakerek politika ida ne’ebe naka’it kona-ba rai.
Tamba ne’e perspektivu komunidade kona-ba rai la hetan konsiderasaun ne’ebe to’o.
Momentu ne’e iha nesesidade rua ne’ebe bo’ot liu ba sector rai iha Timor-Leste;
1.             Halo advokasia ba governu, sira ne’ebe kria politika no doadores atu konsidera liu komunidade sira nian nesesidades, atu halo konsultasaun maka’as liu ho povu Timor-Leste, no atu hakerek politika ida ne’ebe proteje no promove direitu no knar komunidade sira ba assuntu rai.
2.             Hakbiit komunidade sira[1] atu to critically analyse and engage with land policy and institutions, in order to look for new ways to administer, manage, protect and develop their land and related resources
Projetu nia objetivu jeral mak atu augmenta asesu ba informasaun kona-ba komunidade Timor oan sira nian nesesidades rai liu husi asesmentu assuntu rai baze komunidade atu;
1.             Hakbiit komunidade sira atu hanoin kritika no atu buka solusaun ba sira nian nesesidades rai. No mos atu;
2.             Ajuda auteur politika, governu, sosiedade sivil, no stakeholder sira seluk atu dezenvolve politika, lei, kampana advokasia no programma ne’ebe resposta ba nesesidades komunidade sira.

Actividade Sira
Fundalmentalmente projetu ida ne’e hakarak supporta komunidade sira atu fó lian ba sira nian hanoin, preokupasaun no nesesidades. Ita hakarak mos lori hamutuk lian sira ne’e katak sira bele fó influensia bo’ot liu ba prosesu hari’i politika, halo implementasaun ba Lei Rai, dezena projetu sira no kria stratejia advokasia.
Ita hakarak atinji alvu sira ne’e liu husi kadadak konsultasaun iha nivel nasional, distrital, no suko iha Distritu 5.
Liu husi konsultasaun sira ne’e ita prepara relatoriu ida ne’ebe inklui rekomendasaun ba komunidade, governu, sosiedade sivil no doadores sira kona-ba saida maka komunidade sira nian nesesidades rai reál.

Tarefa spesifiku Ko-ordenadór Terenu:
  • Ajuda atu halo treinamentu ba representante distrital kona-ba assuntu rai, methodolojia konsultasaun.
  • Fó supporta ba representante distrital ho sira nian aktividades iha fokus distritu.
  • Ko-ordina servisu iha terenu, enkontru konsultasaun (inklui, oradór, lojistiku, finansas, partisipante, fasilitasaun) iha sira nian fokus area.
  • Arkivu no halo monitorizasaun ba aktividades konsultasaun iha sira nian focus area.
  • Halo monitorizasaun no evaluasaun ba konsultasaun sira, partisipasaun no dadus ne’ebe foti.
  • Sira responsibiliza ba foti dadus hotu, no apresenta dadus hotu husi sira nian focus area.
  • Tarefa seluk liga ho projetu ne’ebe assigna husi Ko-ordinadór Senior, Diretór Haburas ka Asesór Tekniku.
  • Sira reporta bá Ko-ordinadór Senior, Diretór Haburas ka Asesór Tekniku.

Tempu: Fulan 3 (19 Abril 2010 – 31 Junhu 2010)

Jeitu ne’ebe presiza
  • Dedikasaun ba knar komunidade atu define rasik sira nian vizaun dezenvolvimentu
  • Dedikasaun ba peskiza partisipativu, konsultasaun, no advokasia bazeia ba komunidade.
  • Esperiensia organiza peskiza partisipativu, konsultasaun no advokasia bazeia ba komunidade
  • Esperiensia hanesan fasilitadore kreativu
  • Matenek jerál kona-ba assuntu rai (asesu ba rai, direitu ba rai, sector rai iha Timor no advokasia kona-ba assuntu rai)
  • Matenek kona-ba contextu political no institusional Timor-Leste nian.
  • Kapasidade bo’ot atu ko-ordina no halo jestaun ba konsultasaun nasional
  • Flexivel atu ba beibeik distritu ne’ebe do’ok husi Dili.
  • Esperiensia halo analyza ba dadus kualitativu.
  • Koalia lian Tetun
  • Koalia lian Ingles, Bahasa Indonesia, Portuges ka lian lokal seluk mak advantajen bo’ot.

Kualifikasaun ne’ebe presiza
Minimum tinan 2 esperiensia servisu ne’ebe relevante.
Diploma relevante - Lei, Siensas Politika, Siensas Sosiolojia ka topiku seluk ne’ebe relevante.
Esperiensia ho fasilitasaun
Salariu; $450

Land Issues Mentor
Rede ba Rai Timor-Leste (The Timor-Leste Land Network)
Fundasaun Haburas,
Rua Celestino da Silva,

+670 730 7800
+353 85 1461435