CARE International is supporting the Ministry of Health to conduct MCH nutrition programs, including growth monitoring, distribution of supplementary food and nutrition education in Liquica, Bobonaro and Covalima.
The project aims to:
-Increase the technical capacity of the health staff in the Community Health Centre and the Health Post level to provide quality health services and referral.
- Support identified Community Health Volunteers to perform GMP and nutrition/health education effectively and according to standards, during SISCA activities and outreach to communities.
- Empowering targeted communities to have sustainable improvement in nutritional status, using local solutions. These integrated nutrition activities combine nutrition education, health promotion and promotion of agriculture techniques that can improve food access at household level (kitchen gardens).
-At the same time, CARE is providing some logistical support, as required to complete SISCA activities.
The overall objective of the project is, through capacity building process of MoH staff and Community Health Volunteers, to increase accessing of the communities to good quality health services and information
The Training Facilitator will take overall responsibility to implement the identified trainings for Health Staff, Community Health Volunteers as well as CARE staff when required.
TF should attend to Training Of Trainers/ trainings or workshop as required.
·Collaborate with Training Coordinator (TC) to prepare training plan, provisional budget and supportive supervision plan (including: monitoring, evaluation and support on the job/ refresher trainings) for all identified trainings.
·In collaboration with TC/Health Program Manager, design and develop training material, support activities, tools for monitoring and evaluation, to optimize the impact of trainings
·Conduct the training activities as identified with TC/HPM for the targeted participants
·Ensure complete implementation of training, support activities and training evaluations for each training
·Monitor skills improvement of the participants, ensure that they have understand all training materials, guideline and identify/ rectify any issue that needs improvement
·The TF is responsible of training materials.
·Provide to TC complete written and oral reports following identified templates
§Coordinate and Report to TC/DPM for day to day activity
§Coordinate and Report to TC//HPM for any technical issue.
TF participates to Nutrition Enhancement Project general meetings, and any other meeting when relevant
For qualified applicants please submit application letter, CV, and two references to Human Resource Unit, CARE International Timor Leste on or before 18 August 2009 or by email to
Posição – Título: Consultor Nacional na area Administração Sistemas
Local de Trabalho: Departamento de Tecnologia Informática-DNAF
Duração: 3 meses (com possibilidade de extensão)
Sob orientações do Chefe de Departamento de Tecnologia Informática da DNAF, o consultor nacional tem as seguintes tarefas:
Deveres e Responsabilidades
1.1.Monitoramento e assistência técnica para o pessoal técnico nacional, que introduz os conceitos de trabalho de processos, indicadores, monitoramento e controle de qualidade, garantindo a resolução eficaz.
2.2.Prove serviços de suporte relacionado a aplicativos de escritórios, computadores operacionais, e-mail, internet, sistema de comunicação, sistema VoIP, configuração de software, treinamento e resolução de problemas para todos os usuários de computadores.
3.3.Prove suporte técnico para todos os escritórios e usuários da rede da justiça, resolução de problemas que possam surgir e fornecer solução de longo prazo.
4.4.Reportar ao coordenador de TI qualquer necessidade do cliente incluindo hardware, software, backup, anti-vírus, cabos, interruptores, UPS, telefones IP, servidores, desktops, scanners, notebooks, roteadores, firewalls, modens, impressoras e peças sobressalentes.
5.5.Monitorar e prestar assistência técnica ao pessoal nacional em TI, administração de computadores servidores, instalação, manutenção e atualização.
6.6.Estabelecer procedimentos de suporte existentes, fornecendo manuais, documentações relativas a melhores práticas, configurações, suporte e solução de problemas de redes, software e hardware/ dispositivos utilizados pelo setor da justiça nos distritos.
7.7.Responsável pela manutenção e administração da rede LAN (Local Area Network) de hardware, software e periféricos, incluindo infra-estrutura de TI, operações de websites, e-mail, etc.
8.8.Transferência progressiva do Sistema de Apoio e responsabilidades da administração de pessoal a nível nacional, sobre as seguintes linhas:
A.Softaware - Instalação, manutenção e modernização (Servidores e Workstations), incluindo a elaboração de Normas e Procedimentos de TI, orientação para todos os sites dentro do Sistema de Justiça.
B.Hardware instalação, manutenção e modernização (Servidores e Workstations), incluindo instalação física do equipamento, configuração e teste.
C.Hardware – Recomendações de TI para solução adequada para a expansão do sistema, especificar equipamentos e software, definir as modalidades de gestão do desenvolvimento do projecto, o estadiamento de laboratório e centro de dados.
D.Participação na concepção global da arquitetura de redes e sistemas, envolvendo todos os locais remotos e sua interligação com o Data Center de Díli, governo-operado backbone e Internet.
E.Rotina de administração de rede, manutenção e solução de problemas.
F.Documentação de sistemas
G.Supervisão de banco de dados
H.Servidores de Backup
I.Manutenção e atualização softwares de proteção anti-vírus.
O consultor estará baseado em Dili, mas poderá ter viagens em outras localizações no país.
Qualificações e competências exigidas
Graduação em Ciência da computação ou áreas co-relativas com minimo de 3 anos de experiência como administrador de sistemas e suporte a usuários em complexas localizações(clientes e servidores heterogêneos, múltiplos servidores de internet, servidores de arquivos, Web, Email e DNS ).
Experiência em designing, implementação e manutenção de redes de dados nível empresarial, incluindo cabeamento, configuração de equipamentos de rede como (switches, routers, access points) resolução de problemas e gerenciamento (usando SNMP e protocolos de análises)
Óptima habilidade de resolver problemas e soluções em hardware, software, redes e sistemas em geral.
Experiência em implantação e administração de servidores Linux em ambientes heterogêneos (Windows, UNIX e/ou Linux), incluindo servidores de arquivo SAMBA, servidores LDAP, Firewall, servidores de email, Proxies, servidores e clientes anti-vírus, servidores Web, DHCP, DNS e servidores de banco de dados.
Experiência em implementação e gerenciamento de segurança da informação
Experiência em monitoramento dos campos de TI
Conhecimento e experiência com suporte geral a redes como VPN, VoIP, roteamento, Redes sem fio, VSAT, etc.
Ótima habilidade de problemas e soluções em hardware, software, redes e sistemas em geral.
Experiência em programação web (CMS, PHP, MySQL) pode ser um diferencial.
Capaz de projectar, documentar e comunicar procedimentos uniformes para o sistema de administração e manutenção.
Características Pessoais
Excepcional habilidade de comunicação interpessoal e capacidade de motivar as pessoas
Capacidade e desejo de formar e apoiar aos colegas
Habilidade de trabalhar em um ambiente de equipa com boa resolução de problemas, comunicação e competências organizacionais.
Mente aberta, evitando julgamento prévio.
Capacidade de apresentar múltiplas soluções para problemas, criatividade e flexibilidade
Línguas Requeridas
Capacidade de leitura/escrita e conversação em Português e Tetun
Conhecimento em Inglês sera uma vantagem
Orientação de Aplicação
Os candidatos que satisfaçam as qualificações acima são solicitados a apresentar curriculum vitae detalhado, juntamente com uma carta de interesse mais tardar até 14 de Agostu de 2009 ao Departamento de Administração e Recursos Humanos ou enviado atravéz do correio electrónico para as seguintes direcções: ; cópia para ;
Posição – Título: Consultor Nacional na area Desenvolvedor Sistemas
Local de Trabalho: Departamento de Tecnologia Informática-DNAF
Duração: 3 meses (com possibilidade de extensão)
Sob orientações do Chefe de Departamento de Tecnologia Informática da DNAF, o consultor nacional tem as seguintes tarefas:
Deveres e Responsabilidades
1.Formação do pessoal nacional de TI em modelagem de dados, análise e programação, incluindo planeamento e execução de formação para unidade local de TI.
2. Monitoramento e assistência técnica para o pessoal nacional de TI, aumentar a capacidade de gerir valores pertinentes a partir da base de dados existente no CMS.
3.Desenvolver as seguintes atividades:
a Desenvolver algorítimos
b. Modelagem de dados, analise e programação
c. Documentação de sistemas
d. Testes funcionais e de usabilidades
e. DBA, Gerenciamento e entrega de sistemas
f. Treinamento de usuários finais
g. Desenvolver um sistema de avaliação para medir a eficacia do treinamento
h. Gerenciamento de Banco de dados
i. Servidores de Backup
Qualificações e competências exigidas
O Consultor nacional deverá ter as seguintes qualificações e competências:
Licenciado na área de Tecnologia Informática ou similar Possuir o minimo 3 anos de experiência como desenvolvedor de médio a grande sistemas Web, mais de 1(um) ano de experiência em projetos com PHP/ MySql.
Conhecimento em algorítimos
Conhecimento em design patterns
Sólidos conhecimentos em desenvolvimento PHP 5 incluindo segurança e boas práticas de desenvolvimento
Conhecimento em linguagem SQL
Conhecimento em HTML
Conhecimento em princípios e prática de engenharia de software
Habilidade para produzir documentação de qualidade e boa comunicação com usuário final
Experiência como DBA pode ser desejável
Conhecimento em Javascript e CSS pode ser um diferencial
Experiência em monitoramento de TI
Características Pessoais
Excepcional habilidade de comunicação interpessoal e capacidade de motivar as pessoas
Capacidade e desejo de formar e apoiar colegas menos experientes
Habilidade de trabalhar em um ambiente de equipe com boa resolução de problemas, comunicação e competências organizacionais.
Mente aberta, evitando julgamento prévio.
Capacidade de apresentar múltiplas soluções para problemas, criatividade e flexibilidade
Línguas Requeridas
Capacidade de leitura/escrita e conversação em Português e Tetun
Ter conhecimento em Inglês será uma vantagem
Orientação de Aplicação
Os candidatos que satisfaçam as qualificações acima são solicitados a apresentar curriculum vitae detalhado, juntamente com uma carta de interesse mais tardar até 14 de Agostu de 2009 ao Departamento de Administração e Recursos Humanos ou enviado atravéz do correio electrónico para as seguintes direcções: ; com cópia para ;
Project: Human RightsCapacity building of the Provedoria for Human Rights and Justice (PDHJ)
Title: Investigation Mentor
Location: Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice, Timor-Leste (Dili)
Start Date and Duration: September 2009 – for 5 months
Contract Type: Special Service Agreement (SSA)
The Provedoria for Human Rights and Justice: Timor-Leste National Human Rights Institution
The PDHJ was established through the National Parliament’sLaw No. 7/2004 in compliance with the 2002 Constitution of the Democratic Republic of East-Timor stipulating the establishment of an ‘’an independent organ in charge of examining and seeking to settle citizens’ complaints against public bodies, preventing and initiating the whole process to remedy injustice”. The PDHJ is an independent national human rights institution which has a mandate to cover human rights, good governance / maladministration and anti-corruption matters.
The Provedor was elected by Parliament in March 2005.He was sworn in by Parliament in June 2005 and the PDHJ started effectively functioning in March 2006.
Functions and Powers
The nature of the PDHJ’s operations is set out in Article 5 of the establishing statute, according to which the Office shall operate as an independent statutory body and shall not be subject to the direction, control or influence of any person or authority and have the power to review complaints, conduct investigations and forward to the competent organs the recommendations deemed appropriate to prevent or redress illegality or injustice.
The purpose of the PDHJ is protect and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms of natural and legal persons throughout the national territory and prevent maladministration and to combat corruption and influence peddling[1].The PDHJ serves therefore three different but linked mandates, namely as the NHRI of Timor-Leste, the Ombudsman and the Anti-Corruption Institution. It discharges its legislative mandate and objectives through a one-head elected chief - Ombudsman - which is supported by two appointed Deputies and institutional staff. Within its three areas, it discharges its mandate within a three activities-approach: education and promotion, prevention or monitoring and investigation (based on complaints or based on its own initiative).
The PDHJ has a broad human rights mandate. It deals with cases of human rights violations, complaints, education and promotion, monitoring and generally integrating human rights into legislation and practices of Timor-Leste. The competencies, powers and duties of the Provedor are set out in Chapter IV of the Statute. The PDHJ has the powers to receive complaints; investigate and inquire into matters under his or her competence; decide not to take any further action on, or dismiss, complaints brought before him/her; compel witnesses; have access to any facilities, premises, documents, equipment, goods or information for inspection and interrogate any person to whom the complaint relates somehow; to visit any place of detention, treatment or care in order to inspect the conditions therein and conduct a confidential interview of the persons in detention; to refer a complaint to a competent jurisdiction or another recourse mechanism; seek leave of the National Parliament to appear before a court, arbitration tribunal or an administrative enquiry commission; act as a mediator or conciliator; make recommendations for redress in complaints brought before him or her, notably by proposing remedies and reparations; provide advice including opinions, proposals and recommendations for the purpose of improving respect for human rights and good governance by the entities within his or her jurisdiction; report to the National Parliament in relation to the findings of an investigation or in relation to his or her recommendations.
Around 60% of total complaints made to the PDHJ relate to its human rights mandate. Since 2005, the PDHJ has received 213 complaints on human rights violation allegations.[2] Out of the 213 complaints, 88 cases were open for investigation. The vast majority – around 75% - of cases of human rights violations being investigated relate to excessive use of force by security forces (police and military). The remaining cases relate to right to demonstration, discrimination, right to freedom of expression and freedom of opinion and religion.
PDHJ’s structure is currently based on its three areas of intervention: Anti-Corruption Division[3], Good Governance Division and Human Rights Division. Each of these units is operationally independent, and each has their own staff under the supervision of a Division Director. In addition there is a Public Assistance Division, which manages complaints, and an Administration and Finance Division. In September 2007, the PDHJ established a temporary voluntary advisory council in order to ensure greater pluralism and representation.
Four regional offices have been recently established in the first semester of 2009..
Current Government plans on establishing an Anti-Corruption Commission has lead to discussions on the possible exclusion of PDHJ’s mandate in the area of anti-corruption.
Status of compliance with the Paris Principles
The PDHJ has become a member of the Asia Pacific Forum of NHRIs in 2006. In 2008, PDHJ was accredited to APF. The PDHJ has recently been granted accreditation to the International Coordinating Committee of NHRIs (ICC) in 2008.
UNDP/OHCHR Human Rights Capacity Building Project
UNDP, with OHCHR and the PDHJ as partners, has established a project that will support institutional capacity building of the PDHJ to ensure its effectiveness in developing and implementing programmes in accordance with its mandate.The project is a comprehensive and long-term capacity building effort, extending support to both substantive/technical and operational functions of the PDHJ.Project activities are carried out in close coordination with all stakeholders to the project, under the guidance of the Project Steering Committee.
Capacity building activities, which include training, mentoring, study tours, development of materials and internal system, are long-term and integrated into daily tasks of the PDHJ. Based on current capacity needs, PDHJ has requested that mentors be stationed with key departments so as to provide daily assistance to relevant staff and activities.
During the first semester of 2009, UNDP entered into an agreement with a civilian police oversight institution for the secondment of an investigator to provide mentoring support to the investigation department. The focus of the mentoring support during the first semester was to strengthen case management skills and to improve investigation skills (including analysis and reporting) especially in cases related to alleged excessive use of force by security forces. For the second semester, the Project and PDHJ have identified the need to focus on outsdanding capacity gaps as per investigation capacity development progress reports and assessments, including the provision of specific mentoring support on analysis of application of specific human rights standards.
Role Description:
The investigator mentor will be placed in the Investigation Department of the Human Rights Division of the PDHJ and is directly supervised by the Project Manager. This department is composed of 6 staff, including a Department Chief. Investigators are involved in every stage of the investigation after the complaint is received (from preliminary assessment, investigation, report writing to following up on recommendations of concluded cases).
The objective of this position is to provide “on-the-job training”. The investigator mentor will not undertake line functions and s/he will not be involved directly in investigating cases of the PDHJ, preparing interviews or hearings or writing any investigation reports. S/he will, however, accompany the staff, when warranted, to observe their work on the ground so as to help building their practical skills.
Under the direct supervision of the Project Manager, the mentor is expected to assume the following responsibilities:
Provide daily on-the-job assistance to DI’s staff in the delivery of their tasks, including through coaching staff in investigation fact-finding trips, interviews and hearings;
Provide technical advise on investigation of human rights violation based on good practice mentoring methodologies as guided by Project Manager;
Provide capacity development support for the drafting process of investigation reports, including through discussion sessions, comments to draft reports, etc ;
Develop, in consultation with DI staff, outstanding forms and formats to be used in the investigation as per needs identified with staff and Project Management;
Assist in strengthening the DI Chief’s capacity to manage the staff and the case database;
Provide counselling so as to assist staff to analyse information collected through investigation activities as they relate to national and international human rights standards and their application to specific cases;
Develop written materials (such as factsheets, manuals, procedural diagrams, etc) to be used as tools for ensuring sustainability of the mentoring support;
Ensure that the mentoring support provided meet the needs of the staff, internal procedure mechanisms, institutional reality of the PDHJ and the legal framework of the country;
Undertake regular analysis of the capacity development progress based on the templates and guidance of the Project Manager;
Participate in Project training activities and provide support needed as identified by Project Manager;
Consult with, and brief the UNDP project manager on the mentoring support provided, including writing of short monthly reports on mentoring activities as per template;
·Demonstrated excellent written and oral communication skills;
·Excellent interpersonal, intercultural and networking with a demonstrated ability to build and maintain professional relationships;
·Cross-cultural experience and sensitivity;
·Commitment to the principle of independence and confidentiality of the PDHJ;
·Ability to work effectively under pressure
Required Skills and Experience
·An advance degree in political science, law, human rights, development studies, international relations or other related areas; a master’s degree an advantage;
·A minimum of 5 years of professional experience in the field of human rights, especially in the area of investigation of human rights violations;
·Direct experience with a NHRI an asset;
·Expert knowledge of human rights standards;
·Demonstrated experience with investigation of human rights violations;
·Interpersonal and communication skills;
·Direct experience in capacity building, such as coaching, mentoring, training and others;
·Familiarity with the human rights situation in Timor-Leste a clear advantage;
·Excellent command of written and spoken English is a prerequisite, knowledge of Tetum
*Financial proposal should include cost of the cheapest airfare on economy class from place of departure to Dili and return. Reimbursement of airfare will be paid on actual cost incurred.
The deadline for submitting applications is 21 August 2009
Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Women candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.
[1] A new Law which is coming into force in August 2009 will exclude the anti-corruption mandate of the PDHJ.
[2]The PDHJ only opened its doors in 2006, but it has received some complaints even before the Provedor was appointed by the Parliament, but after the PDHJ Law came into force.
[3]The PDHJ is currently developing a plan to adapt its structure to the recent amendment to its Law which brings the exclusion of the anti-corruption mandate.
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