Monday, February 1, 2010

UNDP, Executive Assistant to the UNDP Country Director, Deadline February 12, 2010.

Vacancy Announcement
Position title:  Executive Assistant to the UNDP Country Director            
Expected Start date: February 2009                         
Type of Contract: Fixed Term Appointment          
Level: GS-6         
Entry Salary: US$ 13,133.00 Gross/Annum
Organizational Unit: UNDP, Office of Country Director          
Duty Station: Dili, Timor Leste                      
Entitlements/Benefits: Please obtain from the UNDP Human Resources Unit
General Description of the Job:
Under the guidance and direct supervision of the Country Director (CD), the Executive Associate to CD ensures effective and efficient functioning of the CD’s office, full confidentiality in all aspects of assignment, maintenance of protocol procedures, management of information flow and follow-up on deadlines and commitments made.
The Executive Associate supervises one Driver and works in close collaboration with UNDP staff, UN Agencies and national authorities to ensure efficient flow of information, actions on instructions, agendas.
Duties and Responsibilities:
The CEO will be responsible for the following areas:
1.      Ensures effective and efficient functioning of the CD’s office focusing on achievement of the following results:
·      Maintenance of the supervisor’s calendar, contacts with high-ranking visitors, arrangement of appointments and meetings, with UN Agencies, Government, Civil Society Organizations and other external bodies. Acting as an interpreter when required and/or taking minutes.
·      Maintenance of protocol procedures.
·      Preparation of high quality briefing materials for supervisor for appointments, meetings, missions.
·      Preparation of informal translations.
·      Management of CD’s missions, and representation schedule. Liaises with Operations Unit in making travel arrangements
·      Maintenance of rosters of high-level partners, telephone lists.
·      Preparation of correspondence, directives, comments on behalf of CD for his/her signature and follow-up when required.
·      Use of automated office management systems for effective functioning of the CD’s office.
2.      Ensures provision of effective communications support to the office focusing on achievement of the following results:
·      Maintenance of the filing system ensuring safekeeping of confidential materials. Use of automated filing system.
·      Coordination of the information flow in the office, follow up on circulation files.
·      Facilitation of information sharing between UNCT and the UNDP Coordination Unit.
·      Follow up on deadlines, commitments made, actions taken and coordination of collection and submission of the reports to CD.
·      Screening of all incoming calls and correspondence.
·      Presentation of proposals to eliminate communication bottlenecks in the office and streamline office procedures between the supervisor’s office and subordinate division.
·      Any other duties that may be assigned.
3.   Ensures facilitation of knowledge building and management focusing on achievement of the following results:
·      Sound contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice.
Minimum qualifications:
·      Secondary Education with specialized secretarial training. University Degree or equivalent would be desirable, but it is not a requirement.
·      5 to 7 years of progressively responsible secretarial, administrative, programme experience is required at the national or international level. Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc), experience in handling of web based management systems.
·      Fluency in English.  Knowledge of Portuguese, Tetum and/or Bahasa Indonesia preferred.
Please submit your applications with curriculum vitae, references and other relevant supporting documents to the following address:
Human Resources Unit
UNDP Dili,
UN House Caicoli Street
Dili, Timor Leste
Fax: + 670 331 3534
The deadline for submitting applications is 12 February 2010.
Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Women candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.

Tribunal De Recurso, Técnico Profissional, Deadline March 8, 2010.

Tribunal De Recurso, Técnico Superior, Deadline March 8, 2010.

RWSSP, National Community Development Officer, Deadline February 14, 2010.

District Community Development Officer

National Community Development Officer Job Description
July 24, 2009

Reports to:
RWSSP Community Development Advisor
Duration: Two years, with possible extension
Location: Timor Leste, based in Dili with frequent travel to the Districts
1.      Scope of Position :

The RWSSP National Community Development Officer (NCDO) will work with RWSSP District Community Development Officers and DNSAS staff to improve with the implementation of the RWASH activities.  Under the supervision and guidance of the Community Development Advisor, the CDO will supervise RWSSP contractors and partners.

The NCDO will work with the Community Development Advisor to strengthen the skills and implementation capacity DNSAS, SAS, NGO’s and communities to improve access to RWASH services. The CDO will provide other support as described below to the Community Development Adviser in the implementation of the Community Development Strategy. Community Development will work with and be supervised by the Community Development Advisor.

In carrying out this role, Community Development Officer will also work with:
  • Community Development Advisor and those who are responsible for coordination and monitoring of all activities at the District, Sub-district and suco level.
  • Social Training team (Social Training Advisor, National Training Officers) to define and deliver trainings which further community development objectives
  • RWSSP administration and logistic staff.
  • Counterpart staff from the National Directorate for Water Supply and Sanitation Service (DNSAS) of the government of RDTL.
2.      Key Responsibilities and Duties
  • Support DNSAS to develop and provide support to facilitators using Community Engagement/CAP and community management training modules;
  • Monitoring and evaluation of RWSSP contractors
  • Assist District CDOs/District Facilitator Managers to carry out their activities, especially on planning, monitoring, documentation and reporting.
  • Support DNSAS/DASD to provide ongoing monitoring and support to SAS-Districts in their role of supporting communities that have access to RWSS;
  • Provide training to appropriate DNSAS and NGO staff to strengthen community engagement and management, civil society forums and networks to improve the management of rural WASH.
  • Work closely with the Social Training team to identify training needs, develop methodologies and delivery trainings.
  • Assist in the development and implementation of a Community Development Implementation Strategy and Workplan
  • Carry out basic research and data collection as required as part of R&D work.
  • Coordinate with the stakeholders on the environment management/resource management issues and monitor the promotion of best practices in RWSSP supported activities.  
  • Assist CDA in managing the community development and related components of RWSSP.
 3.      Skills Required/Preferred
  • experience working with social/community development, particularly in the rural water supply, sanitation, and hygiene  sector
  • experience in developing and providing training to all levels, from Trainers to the community
  • experience on gender, poverty and social equity issues.
  • experience in facilitating meetings with Program Staff and stakeholders.
  • experience in project management skills
  • demonstrated experience of working effectively with a team of international consultants; and
  • experience in research and development including reporting skills.
  • excellent communication skills in a cross-cultural environment.
  • proficiency in Tetun and Bahasa Indonesia
  • proficiency in English and Portuguese;
  • experience working and delivering results in an AusAID-funded project; and
  • experience working in a public administration environment.
Personal Attributes
It is essential that the CDO can establish effective working relationships with the full range of key stakeholders, including government officials, international staff, and communities. This requires qualities of genuineness of approach and integrity, in order to build mutual respect and trust. The key personal attributes of such a person include:
  • sensitivity to other cultures;
  • demonstrable capacity to work well with others particularly peers in team settings and informal situations;
  • ability to work according to agreed principles and model the desirable behaviours including openness, cooperation, a focus on the wider goals, and able to handle conflict appropriately and constructively;
  • flexibility, responsiveness, discipline and patience;
  • commitment to engaging communities and civil society in processes leading to policy and operational reforms;
Application Process

Interested candidates should send a cover letter, current CV and professional references by email to or delivery by hand at RWSSP Office at DNSAS Compound.

Deadline: 14th FEBRUARY 2010

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview.

BELUN, Project Manager, Deadline February 5, 2010.


BELUN organizasaun Timor oan nian ho independente ne’ebe servisu hamutuk ho Gruppo Trentino di Volontariato (GTV) nudar NGO Internacionais husi rai Trento-Italy. Organizasaun rua ne’e ho mandatu serbi komunidade, desenvolve kapasidade, hamenus tensaun no prevene konflitu iha Timor-Leste. Atu alkansa misaun, BELUN servisu hamutuk ho GTV hodi hala’o programa Seguransa Aihan. Objetivo kontribui seguransa aihan. Fatin servisu specifiku iha Ilha Atauro. Atu hatan ba necesidades tomak programa, BELUN loke oportunidade ba Timor oan ida ho posisaun “Project Manager” hodi lidera programa ba realiza mehi komunidade liu husi servisu hamutuk.

Knar no Responsabilidade
  • Chefia programa hodi alkansa visaun komunidade;
  • Rekruta, halo intervista no halo decisaun ba ekipa servisu hamutuk ho membru EM no Direitor no maneja ekipa servisu hamutuk;
  • Halo monitorizasaun no avaliasaun progreso programa hamutuk parceiros servisu iha base (parcerio beneficarios no involve ativo stakeholders sira seluk);
  • Mentoring ba ekipa no fó atensaun diak resultadu servisu ho kualidade;
  • Maneja informasaun iha file elektronik no folder (asegura ho password document) ho halo update no hadia hodi hatudu kualidade diak;
  • Kolekta informasaun no desenvolve sumariu atividade no fahé ba membru ekipa managemen (EM) BELUN (semanal);
  • Desenvolve rasik relatoriu husi resultadu servisu ba doador ho hetan kunhesementu husi EM no Direitor;
  • Lidera no facilita enkontru iha ekipa servisu ba fahé mudansa no hatan ba desafios no fahé informasaun ba EM;
  • Kreativo ba acesu doadores hodi hetan hanoin (liu husi hakerek proposal), rekursus ba kompleta rekursus hodi hatan komunidade nia precisa;
  • Komunika beibeik ho membru EM no doador hodi fahé informasaun ba progresu servisu no desafios ne’ebe hasoru;
  • Analiza no halo feedback ba planu servisu fulan husi ekipa servisu no hato’o mai Direitor;
  • Representa BELUN ho profesionalismu ba Governo no parceiros desenvolvimento no Instituisaun seluk;
  • Partisipa ativo ba desenvolve informasaun iha Database husi rede ka agensia ne’ebe servisu ba desenvolvementu komunidade no humanitarian;

Durasaun: Fevereiru 2010 to’o Janeiru 2011.

Kualifikasaun, Esperiensia Servisu no Kbi’it seluk
  • Level edukasaun diploma III ka S1 ho kunhesementu estudu iha departementu Agrikultura, Pesca no Jestaunn floresta;
  • Iha ona esperiensia servisu hanesan Manager Programa tinan tolu nia laran tutuir malu iha organizasaun sociedade civil;
  • Matenek iha komunikasaun no matenek iha area desenvolvementu komunidade no resolusaun konflitu;
  • Experiencia desenvolve logframe/chronograma ka matrix servisu geral ba planu servisu specifiko;
  • Toman viajen ho roo ki’ik no kareta (katak, la lanu iha viajen);
  • Bele koalia/hakerek iha lingua Ingles, Tetun; hatene Portugues no Bahasa Indonesia mos sai vantagen;
  • Hatene no bele uza komputador nia programa “Word Processing” no excel;
  • Iha kunhesementu kultura diak iha fatin servisu;
  • Iha abilidade hodi servisu hamutuk iha ekipa ka servisu mesak, ho maturidade atu manega án rasik;
  • Iha esperencia servico iha Ilha Atauro

Fatin Servisu: Ilha Atauro no iha BELUN nia Kantor Dili (tuir necesidades)

Maluk ne’ebé iha interese bele hakerek surat kompletu hamutuk ho curriculum vitae no dokumentus relevante seluk no hatama iha edificio BELUN Farol (SD 2 Farol nia kotuk) to’o iha 5 de Fevereiru 2010 (antes tuku 5 loro kraik).

BELUN fo kourajen ba maluk feto atu aplika. BELUN OFERESE SALARIO NE’EBE COMPETATIVO.

Nota: Kandidatu ne’ebe liu selesaun dokumentus deit mak sei kontaktu.
Atu hatene informasaun diak liu tan no klaru, Favor bele kontaktu iha Farol ho nomeru mobile: 733-5187 ou 331-0353.

Rua No. 5 de Farol. P.O Box. 472, Dili, Timor Leste
Office Phone : +(670) 331 0353
Facsimile : +(670) 331 0353

BELUN, Field Officer, Deadline February 5, 2010.


BELUN organizasaun Timor oan nian ho independente ne’ebe servisu hamutuk ho Gruppo Trentino di Volontariato (GTV) nudar NGO Internacionais husi rai Trento-Italy. Organizasaun rua ne’e ho mandatu serbi komunidade, desenvolve kapasidade, hamenus tensaun no prevene konflitu iha Timor-Leste. Atu alkansa misaun, BELUN servisu hamutuk ho GTV hodi hala’o programa Seguransa Aihan. Objetivo kontribui seguransa aihan ba komunidade. Fatin servisu specifiku iha Ilha Atauro. Atu hatan ba necesidades tomak programa, BELUN loke oportunidade ba Timor oan ida ho posisaun hanesan tuir mai ne’e:

Titulu : Field Officer
Fatin Servisu : Ilha Atauro (ema ne’ebe husi no hela iha Ilha Atauro)
Durasaun Programa :Tinan ida (Masa Percobaan Fulan 3 ho posibilidade extensaun)

Knar no Responsabilidade
  • Hala’o knar iha Ilha Atauro ho area servisu ne’ebe identifika;
  • Fasilita no organiza komunidade iha nivel base ba atividades programa;
  • Organiza no fó treinamento ba parceiros tuir necesidades (liu husi BELUN nia programa desenvolve kapasidade komunidade);
  • Desenvolve servisu ho liu husi prepara relatoriu atividade semanal no fulan-fulan no fahé ba program manager no Ekipa Management (EM);
  • Halo monitoring no evaluasaun ba atividade parceiros;
  • Fasilita komunikasaun parceiros no mos stakeholders iha base;
  • Halo akompanhamentu ba parceiros BELUN nian no suporta desenvolvimentu kapasidade parceiros;
  • Apoiu servisu Database nacional ho rekoilha informasaun;
  • Akompanha ativo treinador/facilitador iha implementasaun programa;
  • Buka solusaun ho kordena ho program manager ba desafios ne’ebe hasoru;
  • Sosializa programa BELUN ba stakeholders/ajensia relevante.

Kualifikasaun no Esperiensia
  • Remata edukasaun ho diploma III ka S1 ho studa iha departementu Agrikultura, pesca, Floresta no desenvolvimentu komunidade;
  • Experiensia servisu nudar facilitador no treiandor ba komunidade mais ou menus tinan 3;
  • Hatene lingua Tetun no diak liu english nomos dialek iha fatin implementa programa;
  • Esperiensia ba desenvolve relatoriu kualidade narativo ho lian Tetun no diak lu mos english;
  • Matenek iha resolusaun konflitu no tane ás igualidade jeneru sei sai vantagen;
  • Hatene no bele uza komputador nia programa “Word Processing” no excel.

  • Hela metin iha Ilha Atauro no sei visita mai Dili tuir necesidades servisu;
  • Iha esperiensia servisu iha Ilha Atauro;
  • Iha matenek no esperiensia ho kolabora ho Governu lokal, nacional no organizasaun sociedade sivil.
  • Iha abilidade ba kaer motorizada ka hakarak aprende ho iha karta kondisaun ne’ebe validu.

BELUN fó kourajen ba maluk feto ne’ebe tuir kualifikasaun atu hatama dokumentus ba posisaun ne’e. Maluk ne’ebé iha interese bele hakerek surat kompletu hamutuk ho CV (curriculum vitae) no dokumentus relevante seluk ba edificio BELUN iha Farol (SD 2 Farol nia kotuk ) to’o 5 de Fevereiru 2010 (antes tuku 5 lokraik) nomos. BELUN OFERESE SALARIO NE’EBE KOMPETATIVU.

Nota: Kandidatus ne’ebe liu selesaun dokumentus deit mak sei kontaktu.
Atu hatene informasaun diak liu tan no klaru, Favor bele kontaktu iha Farol ho nomeru mobile: 733-5187/331-0353.

Rua No. 5 de Farol. P.O Box. 472, Dili, Timor Leste
Office Phone : +(670) 331 0353
Facsimile : +(670) 331 0353