
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
The Fred Hollows Foundation, Health Promotion Officer, Deadline July 27, 2009.
The Fred Hollows Foundation is seeking qualified national staff for the position of Health Promotion Officer. The job commences 5 August 2009 and is initially for 6 months with a view for future extension. Please distribute to your networks.
POSITION DESCRIPTION: Health Promotion Officer
You will be responsible for providing support to The Fred Hollows Foundation New Zealand’s community health projects, with particular emphasis on Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) strategies and health promotion for primary schools, health workers, and community members.
§ High School leaver certificate/University Degree
§ Experience with health promotion and BCC
§ Ability to facilitate in front of large groups such as community events and classrooms
§ Willingness to cooperate with a team of international and national staff
§ Demonstrated ability in computer skills including Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint
§ Working knowledge of English and willingness to learn it further
§ Willingness to participate in training
§ Willingness to undertake regular travel to district centres (eg. One week / month)
§ Willingness to sign a 6 month contract
§ Motorcycle license
§ Good proficiency in the English language
§ Prior community development experience
§ Prior experience working with NGOs
1. Work with the Project Manager to develop and adapt health promotion materials
2. Work with the Community Health Team to provide training on health promotion strategies and the 9 key messages to where needed
3. Assist in developing interactive health promotion activities to implement the key messages for eye health
4. Provide assistance regarding planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation to implement the NZAID-KOHA project entitled, “The Right to Sight: Community Eye Health in Timor-Leste”.
5. Undertake district travel to implement health promotion activities at SISCa and during outreach
6. Work collaboratively with the local NGO Fo Naroman Timor-Leste to plan and implement joint health promotion activities
7. Coordinate with local partners including the Ministry of Health and local and international NGO’s
8. Encourage and motivate children and the community to live a lifestyle that places importance on maintaining healthy eyes. This includes encouraging the community to attend SISCa or the clinic for vision screening or eye problems.
9. Take part in FHFNZ SISCa activities
10. Undertake data collection for research as part of the project
11. Meet weekly with FHFNZ staff to discuss the project and give activity reports.
12. Prepare monthly activity reports for the Project Manager
13. Represent FHFNZ in a professional manner at all times
14. Be aware of and follow FHFNZ policies and procedures, including regular performance appraisal
15. Other duties as directed
This contract is for 6 months with the possibility of extension based on performance, full time contract to start 5 August 2009. Salary is at a competitive rate.
Please contact Irim at [irim.fhfnz@gmail.com] or 3312860. Please submit cover letter and CV to the Fred Hollows on Rua Jacinto Candido, near Democracy Field.
CLOSING DATE: 5 PM 27 July, 2009. Position begins August 5, 2009.
A. Summariu Servisu
Responsabiliza fornese suporta ba FHFNZ nia projeitu Saude komunitaria, partikularmente ba strategia Komunikasaun ba Mudansa Hahalok (BCC) no promosaun saude ba eskola primaria, pesoal saude,no membru komunidade.
B. Kriteria Selesaun
§ Remata eskola secondario/universidade
§ Iha esperiensia fasilita promosaun saude/mudansa hahalok aktividade iha grupo boot hanesan iha actividade iha kommunidade.
§ Iha abilidade atu fasilita grupo bo’ot
§ Iha abilidade kommunikasaun ida ne’ebe maka diak
§ Hakarak atu kopera ho team internasional no nasional
§ Iha konhesemento kona ba Microsoft Word, Excel no mos Power Point
§ Iha abilidade atu kommunika iha lian engles no hakarak atu aprende liu tan.
§ Hakarak mos partisipa iha treinamentu
§ Hakarak no iha motivasaun atu servisu ho kommunidade iha distrito (eg. Semana ida/fulan ida)
§ Hakarak atu assina kontratu ba fulan 6 nia laran
Prefere liu
§ Iha SIM ba Motor
§ Koalia no Hakerek Ingles ho diak
§ Iha esperiensia ho saude Kommunidade
§ Iha ona esperiensia servisu ho ONG
C. Papel no responsabilidade espesifiku
16. Assisti ita nia chefe atu desenvolve aktividade promosaun saude no material ba iha area saude matan
17. Servicu hamutuk equipa Saude Communitaria atu fo treinamentu kona ba strategia promosaun saude ho mensagen save nain sia
18. Asisti hodi desenvolve actividade no implementa projeito ida ne’ebe bele ajuda kommunidade atu halo mudansa hahalok hodi estabelese to’o ba kommunidade ka eskola.
19. Asisti iha dezemvolve aktividade interaktivu ba promosaun saude hodi implementa chave mensagen ba saude matan.
20. Fornese asistensia relasiona ho planu, implementasaun, monitorizasaun no avaliasaun hodi implementa projeitu “Direitu atu hare’e ka “The Right to Sight’ ba Saude matan kommunidade iha Timor Leste nebe suporta husi NZAid- KOHA
21. Bele halo viagem ba distrito atu implementa aktividade promosaun saude iha SISCa no mos Outreach no dala ruma tenke toba iha distrito Aileu.
22. Servisu hamtuk ho ONG lokal FNTL hodi halo planu no implementa atividade promosaun saude.
23. Halo koordinasaun diak ho parseiru local, inklui Ministeriu da Saude no ONG internasional
24. Fo koragen no fo motivasaun ba labarik no komunidade katak fo importansia mantein ba saude matan iha ita nia moris. Ida ne’e inklui fo koragem ba komunidade atu atende SISca ka clinika hodi koko matan ka ba problema matan.
25. Hola parte iha atividade SISca husi FHFNZ no Servisu hamutuk ho tim saude kommunitaria hodi desenvolve planu ba ful-fulan no aktividade ba promasaun saude iha SISCa
26. Buka no tau hamutuk dadus ba peskiza hanesan parte ida husi projeitu.
27. Soru mutu ho staff FHFNZ hodi halo diskusaun ba projeitu no fo relatoriu.
28. Prepara relatorio actividade ful-fulan ba Project Manager
29. Representa FHFNZ ho maneira professionalismo iha qualquer tempo.
30. Hanoin no tuir politika no prosedur inklui performance appraisal
31. Servisu seluk tuir instrusaun
Favor ida bele kontactu Mana Irim [irim.fhfnz@gmail.com] or 3312860 atu fo ita nia CV no surat. Kontratu ida ne’e ba fulan neen ho posibilidade ba ekstensaun/hanaruk depende ba lalaok, kontratu full time sei hahu iha fulan Augustu 2009 ho klasifikadu salariu nebe diak.
Applicasaun taka iha: 27 Juilho 2009.
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