Tuesday, February 9, 2010

UNICEF, M & E Officer - Nutrition Joint Programme (JP), Deadline February 24, 2010.

Post Title: M & E Officer – Nutrition Joint Programme (JP)
VN. No.: HR/VN/2010/009
Duty Station: Dili, Timor-Leste
Budget Level: NO-A, Fixed Term
Section: Health & Nutrition
Applications to be sent to: jmenezes@unicef.org
Date of Issue: 10 February 2010
Closing Date for Applications: 24 February 2010

Under the close supervision and guidance of the M&E Specialist, Nutrition Joint Programme, L-3, support in establishment, functioning and strengthening of the Nutrition Information Systems to effectively monitor the results in line with the Joint Program Results Framework of the MDG Achievement Fund supported Joint Program. This post will be responsible for assisting in administration and management of the $3.5 million Joint Programme.

Major Duties and Responsibilities:
·         Undertakes ongoing field visits to the project sites for monitoring and to provide supportive supervision to implement the Joint Programme activities including promoting result-based approach to monitoring and evaluation. Ensure that monitoring data are regularly discussed at the district and sub-district level coordination meeting in terms of identifying the progress of implementation and implications for future action.
·         Collects and assembles data and background information with regard to the Joint Programme and provides updated information on JP’s financial and administrative status for analysis and report purposes. Prepares tables, graphs or other statistical data for technical review/monitoring purposes.
·         Communicates with local counterpart authorities including MoH, District Health Services (DHS), Head of Sub-District, and Head of Community Health Centres (CHC), and other NGos and community-based organization and networks on project details. Recommends courses of action to the supervisor.
·         Monitors the flow of supply and non-supply assistance to local authorities.  Drafts supply and financial documentation.  Collects and records information on supply/non-supply inventory, distribution and utilization.
·         Investigates queries regarding authorization, delivery or payments and follows up with Finance, Administrative, Supply and Programme staff on processing of payments, advances to governments and liquidation of accounts. Ensures that activities are in accordance with plans of action.
·         Undertakes arrangements for visits to project sites for government and other partners, which include providing information and briefing on project activities and status.
·         Drafts programme budgets, ensuring accuracy and appropriateness of coding in accordance with PIDB system. Drafts and issues updated status reports.
·         Drafts sections of donor, annual and other reports, as required by HQ.

·          Education: University degree in Development Studies, Statistics and Planning, Economics, Social Sciences, or a related technical field.
·          Experience: Minimum of two years professional work experience best practice in monitoring and evaluation development and implementation processes.
·          Computer: Computer skills, including internet navigation, and various office applications.
·          Language(s): Fluency in English and another UN language required. Knowledge of Portuguese, Tetum or Bahasa Indonesia an added advantage.

·         Analytical and conceptual ability; communication skills.
·         Planning and monitoring skills; ability to organize work & projects.
·         Ability to make timely and quality judgments and decisions.
·         Commitment to continuous learning for professional development.
·         Ability to work in a multi-cultural environment, and establish harmonious and effective working relationships both within and outside the organization.
·         Initiative, passion and commitment to UNICEF’s mission and professional values.

Application is open for TIMOR-LESTE NATIONALS ONLY. Applications will be considered only if accompanied by an updated CV and P11 form, as well as the two most recent PERs/Evaluations (for UN staff).  Regret letters will only be sent to short listed candidates.
Applications which do not meet the specified minimum requirements or are received after closing date will not be entertained


Peace Dividend Trust Timor-Leste, Marketing Associate (Re-advertised).

Marketing Associate
Job Description
Dili, Timor-Leste

9 months, with a 3-month probationary period and potential for renewal

Peace Dividend Trust fosters and implements innovations in peace and humanitarian operations. We are a non-profit foundation dedicated to making aid missions more efficient, effective and equitable, delivering a stronger peace and a larger peace dividend.
Only a small fraction of contracts for goods and services in Timor-Leste are awarded to local companies. International organizations active in Timor-Leste source most goods and services abroad, or through large international companies operating in Timor-Leste. With an innovative approach, PDT is working together with local businesses, associations and international buyers located in Timor-Leste to increase local procurement in order to benefit the local private sector and economy.

Responsibilities and Duties
·         Develop a communications strategy/marketing plan that increases the visibility of Peace Dividend Trust and the Timor-Leste Marketplace project to two key stakeholder groups: international buyers and local vendors.
·         Direct research on market-related topics including key sectors and sub-sectors in Timor-Leste, procurement procedures of international buyers, and other relevant business development topics.
·         Manage advertising, the “Buy Local” promotional campaign, and events such as vendor fairs and conferences.
·         Develop innovative ways to promote local procurement through social media.
·         Oversee corporate messaging, including talking points, written materials, and success stories.
·         Represent PDT among the international buyer community and at other key events as required.
·         Perform other duties as assigned by the Country Director.

Reporting Lines
Reports to the Country Director and coordinates with key staff as required.

            • Fluency in English and Tetun is required. Experience in translation would be an asset.

            • Minimum of 3 years work experience.
            • University degree in a relevant field. Master’s degree preferred.
            • Experience working with small and medium enterprises in Timor-Leste.
            • Experience in marketing, particularly in the use of social media.
            • Excellent communication skills (written and oral) as well as networking skills.
            • Demonstrable experience in the organization of large scale events such as conferences and trade fairs.

Application Process
Interested candidates are invited to send a CV and brief cover letter by email to timor-leste@pdtglobal.org or directly to PDT’s office in Estrada Balide, Dili, Timor-Leste.
The position will remain open until filled.
Peace Dividend Trust would like to thank all candidates for their application, however only those short-listed will be contacted for further processing.

Tetum Version

Gerente ba Asuntus Merkadoria
Deskripsaun servisu nian
Fatin servisu
Dili, Timor-Leste

Fulan 9, ho probasaun de servisu ba periodu fulan 3 nia laran no iha potensia atu renova fila fali kontratu.

Peace Dividend Trust hatudu no implemeta inovasaun iha parte operasaun humanitariu ba dame nian. Ami nia organizasaun ne’e hanesan fundasaun non-profit nebe dedika ba ajudus misaun hotu atu efisiente, efektivu, ekuilibre no fo dame nebe forte nomos hetan beneficio dame nian.
Iha factus katak kontratu ki’ik kona ba sasan ou servisu balun mak manan hosi kompanha lokal sira. Organizasaun Internasional nebe activu iha Timor-Leste sosa sasan barak liu dereitamente husi rai liur, nomos liu husi kompanha bo’ot estrangeirus nebe operasiona iha Timor-Leste. Liu husi aprosimasaun inovativu, PDT servisu ho kompanha lokal sira, assosiasaun no sosanain internasional iha Timor-Leste atu hasae prokuramentu lokal nebe sei fo benefisiu ba seitor privadu no ekonomia.

Servisu no responsabilidades
  • Dezenvolve planu stratejia komunikasaun/merkaduria ida nebe aumenta visibilidade Peace Dividend Trust nian no projetu Timor-Leste Marketplace ba ba grupus importante rua mak hanesan; sosa nain internasional no vendedores lokal
  • Buka topikus nebe dereitamente iha relasaun ho merkaduria inklui seitor importante no sub-seitor sira iha Timor Leste, prosedur prokuramentu sosa nain internasional sira, no topiku seluk kona ba bisnis nebe relevante ba dezenvolvimentu seitor privado.
  • Meneja advertising, ba promusaun kampanha “Buy Local”, no eventus sira hanesan feira ba vendedores no konferensia sira.
  • Dezenvolve dalan inovativu oinsa promove prokuramentu lokal liu husi media sosial.
  • Toma konta mensajen kolaborasaun, inklui pontus kualia nian, hakerek materia no historia sucsesu nian.
  • Representa entre PDT no sosanain komunidade internasional sira ba eventus importante nebe premite.
  •  Halao servisu seluk nebe delega husi Country Director.

Linha Reportajen
Relata deretamente ba Country Director no halo kordenasaun ba staff importante sira nebe delega.

  • Hatene diak kualia lian Ingles no Tetun. Experiensia halo tradusaun nebe sei sai hanesan aset.
  • Minimum iha esperiensia servisu tinan 3.
  • Graduado Universidade nebe relevante. Master’s degree diak liu.
  • Experiensia servisu ho companha bo’ot ka medium iha Timor-Leste.
  • Experiensia iha marketing, partikularmente hatene uja ou halo koneksaun ho media social ou publiko.
  • Skill komunikasaun nebe diak tebes skill (hakerek no kualia) hanesan mos skil ligasaun/networking.
  • Hatudu esperiensia organiza eventus nebe skala bo’ot hanesan konferensia no feiras.

Prosesu aplikasaun
Konvida kandidatu sira nebe interese atu haruka CV ho karta/cover letter ba email timor-leste@pdtglobal.org ou direita ba edifisiu PDT nian iha Estrada Balide, Dili, Timor-Leste.
Posisaun ne’e sei loke to’o hetan kandidatu atu servisu
Peace Dividend Trust hato’o obrigadu ba aplikantes sira, maibe sira nebe mak tama shot list mak sei kontaktu atu tama ba prosesu tuir mai.

Peace Dividend Trust Timor-Leste, Business Verification Associate (Re-advertised).

Terms of Reference

Business Verification Associate
Peace Dividend Trust – Timor-Leste

Position Description
The Business Verification Associate will manage and direct the Business Verification sub-project of the Peace Dividend Marketplace - Timor-Leste (PDM-TL) project. This position functions directly under the country director and alongside the other associates of the PDM-TL project.

Location: Dili, with monthly travels to all districts within Timor-Leste

Duration: Probationary term of three months, with an extension option of up to one year and beyond.

Closing date: Posted 11 January 2010. Open until filled.

The responsibilities include but are not limited to:
·         Overseeing overall operations of the Business Verification sub-project that performs the following activities: the verification and re-verification of new and existing business across each district, management of the PDM-TL Online Procurement Database and the dissemination of information detailing Timor-Leste’s growing private sector;
·         Managing a small team of Business Verification Assistants and monitoring their performance;
·         Formulating strategic work plans and organizing their implementation;
·         Guiding and assisting with the collection, organization and verification of detailed information of businesses across Timor-Leste to be entered into PDM-TL’s Online Procurement Database;
·         Providing weekly and monthly feedback to the PDM-TL Country Director in written and oral form;
·         Working closely with the office manager and other PDM-TL sub-project associates to streamline and improve all activities and services undertaken by the project;
·         Performing other duties appropriate to the post as agreed with the Country Director.

·         At minimum an undergraduate degree but a masters degree is preferred.
·         Developed leadership skills.
·         Fluency in English and Tetun required, as well as a working knowledge of written and spoken Bahasa Indonesia. Portuguese and other Timorese languages advantageous but not required.
·         Excellent organizational skills and attention to details.
·         Knowledge of logistics and the procurement process.
·         Experience working within the private sector of Timor-Leste is strongly desirable. 
·         Superior interpersonal and communication skills.

Application Process
To apply for this position, send a brief presentation letter and CV to Ms. Claire Parois at parois@pdtglobal.org  or directly to the Peace Dividend Trust office in Estrada Balide, Dili.

About PDT
Peace Dividend Trust is a non-profit foundation dedicated to making peace and humanitarian operations more efficient, effective and equitable, delivering a stronger peace and a larger peace dividend. For more information, please visit our website www.peacedividendtrust.org . 

Tetum Version

Termos de Referensia
Business Verification Associate
Peace Dividend Trust – Timor-Leste

Deskripsaun Posisaun
Business Verification Associate sei meneja no organija sub-projektu verifikasaun negocio  Peace Dividend Marketplace – projektu Timor-Leste (PDM-TL). Posisaun ne’e nia funsaun sei deriji direitu husi country director no hanesan mos associate sira seluk iha projektu PDM-TL.    

Location: Dili, with monthly travels to all districts within Timor-Leste
Fatin Servisu, Iha Dili no sei hala’o servisu kada fulan ba distrito hotu-hotu iha Timor Leste tomak. 

Durasaun: Provasaun durante fulan tolu, no sei fo extensaun to’o tinan ida no liu.

Data Remata: Hahu loron 11 Janeiro 2010. Sei loke to’o hetan kandidatu atu prence faga refere.

Responsablidades inklui mais la limita ba:
·         Atu tau matan ba servisu sub-projektu verifikasaun negocio sira hanesan aktividades tuir mai: re-verifikasaun no verifika negocio foun no negocio nebe existe iha distrito hotu-hotu, meneja PDM-TL Online Procurement Database no deseminasaun informasaun hodi hasa’e setor privadu iha Timor-Leste.
·         Meneja equipa assisten verifikasaun negicio ki’ik ida no halo monitorizasaun ba sira nia servisu. 
·         Forma planu estrategia servisu no organiza implementasaun hotu-hotu.
·         Hatudu no ajuda atu koleta, organiza no verifika informasaun negoscio nebe detailu iha Timor-Leste nia laran hodi hatama ba PDM-TL Online Procurement Database.
·         Hato’o relatorio servisu iha eskrita no oral kada semana no fulan ba PDM-TL Country Director.
·         Servisu besik liu ho office manager no PDM-TL nia sub-projektu sira seluk hodi alkansa no eleva aktividade no servisu hotu-hotu  nebe hala’o iha projektu ne’e.
·         Hala’o servisu seluk ho apropriadu tuir postu nebe aseita husi Country Director. 

·         Minimum ho kualifikasaun S1 se iha S2 (master degree) sei preoridade liu.
·         Dezamvolve skill lideransa.
·         Kolia Ingles no tetun di’ak inklui hakarek di’ak iha lian ingles no Indonesia. Portugues no lian seluk iha Timor laran mos vantagen mais la obrigatori.   
·         Iha skill di’ak kona ba organizasaun no atensaun ba detailu. 
·         Hatene kona ba servisu logistiku no prosesu prokuramentu.
·         Esperensia servisu ho setor privadu iha Timor-Leste mak vantagen liu.  
·         Iha komunikasaun di’ak no bele servisu hamutuk ho ema hotu. 

Procesu Aplikasaun
Atu hatama applikasaun ba posisaun ida ne’e, bele haruka karta aplikasaun no CV ba Sra. Claire Parois liu husi dirasaun e-mail parois@pdtglobal.org  ou bele lori direita ba iha edevisiu Peace Dividend Trust iha Estrada Balide, Dili.

Kona ba PDT
Peace Dividend Trust mak entidade non-benefisiario ida establese atu hala’o pas no operasaun humanitaria nebe efisiensia, efektivu liu no justu, hodi fahe pas no habelar pas ba ema hotu. Informasaun kle’an liu, bele visita ami nia linha website www.peacedividenttrust.org

Caltech, Engineering Design Trainees (3 Posts), Deadline February 26, 2010.

Position Title: Engineering Design Trainees
Number of positions: Three (3)
Expected Start Date: 10/3/10

Company Information:
Caltech is a Timor based and Timorese owned Company founded in June 2000 specialising in the provision of construction, project management and logistic services. We have established successful alliances with various internationally renowned companies and have played an important role in the achievement of their business goals in Timor Leste.

General description of job:
The Trainees will be working in the offshore oil & gas industry with our international alliance partner, WorleyParsons. These positions are a significant multi-year career development opportunity. This is a shore based engineering design project operating from our Dili office. The trainees will be engaged in the production of the maintenance engineering and design requirements for the Bayu-Undan offshore platform.
Work activities will include:
·         Assisting in the production of mechanical engineering design drawing and documents
·         Back drafting of design drawings from mark-ups
·         Assisting in the production of conceptual layouts and site surveys
·         Completion of a multi-year comprehensive competency based training program

To be successful in this role you will require:
·         Mathematics and Computing skills 
·         Proficiency with written and spoken English language
·         Completion of relevant tertiary level engineering or design certificate, diploma or degree
·         Industry specific experience is desirable, but not essential
·         Experience in 2D and 3D computer design/modelling software is desirable, but not essential
·         Interpersonal skills to work productively in a team environment and collaborate effectively with other disciplines.

To Apply:
To apply for these positions, please submit your application and CV in English and ensure you include the following:
·         Name and contact details (phone number and email address)
·         Languages spoken and to what level
·         Academic qualifications, including details of your tertiary level engineering or design qualifications
·         Computing skills
·         Work experience
·         Name and contact details of two referees

Caltech is an equal opportunity employer. Eligible candidates (male and female) are encouraged to apply. Previous applicants should not reapply and only short-listed applicants will be contacted for interviews.

Applications must be lodged by email to: info@caltechtimor.com by no later than Friday, February 26, 2010. Hard copies of documents will be considered only after online email submissions are completed.

FONGTIL, Program Manager, Deadline February 15, 2010.


The Timor Leste NGO Forum is the umbrella organization for local, national and international NGOs that exist in Timor Leste. With characteristics such as being non-profit, non-partisan, non-sectarian, as well as acting as a partner for state institutions in the process of nation building, it maintains a position as an independent organization that monitors government and strengthens civil society in the national development process

To facilitate better services to the members, FONGTIL is looking for a Timorese national to fill the position of Program Manager.
Role and responsibility of Program Manager

1. (MANAGING) To secure the implementation of FONGTIL’s programs based on 2010-2012 MPP
1.1 Responsible to review the programs every month, every three months, and also organize an annual evaluation (internal)
1.2 Responsible to design work plan based on the review every month, quarterly, and annual
1.3 Regular monitoring in the districs
1.4 Together with management team, to do evaluation for staff’s performance every year
1.5 Together with management team, organize and facilitate external evaluation (every three years)

2. (REPORTING) Together with management team guarantee that reports are timely reports to partners and members of NGO
2.1 To make consolidation of the reports including the implementation of the program every six month.
2.2 To produce an annual report for the members every year (at Annual General Meeting)
2.3 To create a regular program update for members to guarantee an active participation.

3. To guarantee that FONGTIL has access to funds to implement FONGTIL’s program
3.1 Together with ED, to make proposal to get funds
3.2 Together with coordinator in every division, to design a relevant proposal to strengthen the program
3.3 To guarantee that FONGTIL has annual funds to implement the program.

4. (DIRECTING) To supervise advocacy, membership services, and DLOs programs
4.1             ADVOCACY (together with the coordinator)
4.1.1 To guarantee FONGTIL’s staffs participation and members of NGO (active and effective participation) in national and local meeting
4.1.2 To make link with other network and potential partner
4.1.3 To control the quality of external communication strategy (to media, patner/donor, national and local government, community, etc)

4.2 MST (together with coordinator)
4.2.1 To control the quality of IT and CB training (effective and efficient)
4.2.2 Respond to members necessary, FONGTIL can respond/facilitate.

4.3 DLO (together with coordinator)
4.3.1 To guarantee members participation (especially members in the district) to participate in the National Program (NDMP, Decentralization, NP6) that active and effective.
4.3.2 Members in the district can participate in development process through regular consultation
4.3.3 To give good services to member so they can acses to civil society funds.

5. (DEVELOPING) To maintain the quality of material resources (manual, guideline, system) which is relevant
5.1             Together with consultant/advisor/technical expert develop PMER manual (Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting)
5.2 Together consultant/advisor/technical expert and staff, develop Communications Strategy
5.3 Together with consultant/advisor/technical expert and staff, develop CB Training Manuals (Program Development, Donor Relations, Advocacy, Social Audit, Media Relations and Conflict Resolution, Small Business/Fund raising)
5.4 Together with consultant/advisor/technical expert and staff, develop library system (Resource Center).

6. (NETWORKING) To maintain a strong link with partner
5.1 Regular discussion with all partners
5.2 Participate in international, national and local meeting
5.3 Create a link with partners

  • Good skill and knowledge of human resources management and organization development
  • At least three (3) years work experiences in management area in local or international organization
  • Able to work alone or as part as a team
  • Ability to planning, Mentoring & Evaluation (PME)
  • Ability as a trainer and mentoring
  • Good knowledge of English (speaking and writing)
  • Minimum level of education is high school certificate

If you meet the qualifications mentioned above and interested to apply:
Submit your CV in English

Cover letter in English and explaining why you are interested in the job position including your work experience in these areas : MANAGING, REPORTING, RESOURCING, DIRECTING, DEVELOPING, NETWORKING, Planning, Mentoring & Evaluation (your cover letter is two pages only) Submit your application to FONGTIL office at  Cai-Coli Dili (Joao Freitas, telemovel: 7236782) or  email : freitas_nono@yahoo.com / dinorah.granadeiro@gmail.com / dgranadeiro@fongtil.info

The deadline is February 15, 2010 (4 pm)

Only short listed candidate will be call for an interview

Women are encourage to apply