+for+Non+Formal+Education,+Deadline+October+15,+2009..jpg)
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
World Vision International-Baucau Area, 5 Positions, Deadline October 09, 2009.
World Vision International – Timor Leste
National Office, Dili
World Vision Timor Leste, a non-profit Christian Humanitarian Organisation, committed to working with the poor and vulnerable, is seeking qualified national staff to fill the following vacant positions in Baucau:
World Vision Timor Leste adalah organisasi Kristen kemanuasiaan yang bekerja dengan orang-orang miskin dan melarat, saat ini mencari Warga Negara Nasional yang berkualitas untuk mengisi posisi-posisi yang kosong berikut ini yang berpusat di Baucau:
- Finance & Admin Coordinator (1 Position)
- M & E Coordinator (1 Position)
- Nutrition Facilitator (1 Position)
- Driver (2 Positon)
Applicants should submit an application letter, CV and other documents to:
Para pelamar silakan menyerahkan surat lamaran, CV dan dokumen lainya ke alamat ini:
World Vision Timor Leste
Human Resources Department
Rua Jacinto de Candido/Rua D Fernando
Caicoli, Dili or branch office in Maliana, Baucau & Aileu
P.O. Box 43, Dili. Timor Leste
Applications are due on 9 October 2009 at 5:00 pm
Applikasi akan ditutup pada tanggal 9 October 2009 pada jam 5 Sore
1. Finance & Admin Coordinator
Purpose of the Position
The Finance and Administration Coordinator will support the Area Manager and Associate Manager in managing the office’s finance, administration and logistics staff. The Finance and Administration Coordinator will be responsible for the:
· Preparation of financial accounting, and implementation of internal control, finance policies, guidelines and procedures; and
· Coordination of administrative and logistical activities.
Major Responsibilities
· Process and coordinate all banking related matters assigned and authorized by the Manager.
· Verify all Cash Disbursement Vouchers, Deposit Vouchers, General journal Vouchers and Petty Cash Vouchers to be accurate and complete for Area operations.
· Review and authorize petty cash and bank reconciliation.
· Review and authorize all payments prepared by the Finance Administrator.
· Coordinate cash levels needed for efficient Area operations and communicate these needs on a monthly basis to the Finance Department.
· Review Financial reports for all Area programs and monitor budgets focusing on the administrative and procurement areas within those budgets.
· Monitor staff advances to ensure timely settlement.
Administration & Logistics
· Implement and manage administrative systems for efficient office functioning.
· Manage office support services, local transportation, purchases, building services, and communications (Satellite phones/radios).
· Manage buildings and utilities and the servicing and maintenance of all buildings and fixtures in the Area.
· Oversee security procedures for asset safekeeping and office security.
· Coordinate with the IT Department on computer issues.
· Responsible for the success of the service of assets.
Procurements management
· Implement and manage Procurements systems for efficient office functioning.
· Negotiate agreements and purchase orders for all sectors within budget.
· Monitor the application of purchasing policies and procedures; supervise a central purchasing system ensuring the appropriate use of requisitions, bid evaluations, purchase orders, and receiving reports in a timely manner.
Staff Capacity Development
· Build a team of highly committed and competent staff, ensuring cooperation and coordination among relevant staff.
· Provide strategic direction and support to staff you supervise, including identifying problems and solutions.
· Implement the Performance Development Management system.
Communication and Collaboration
· Collaborate with Finance and Administration staff in other district offices and the National Office.
Knowledge, Skills, Abilities: | ||
Education | Formal training in finance, accounting and/or administration. | Essential |
Knowledge & Skills | Computer literate in Excel and Word. | Essential |
| Good communication skills (both written and oral) English | Essential |
| Commitment to meet deadlines | Essential |
| Leadership and strong analytical and problem solving skills | Preferred |
Experience | Prior working experience in a related role, including accounting and/or finance. | Essential |
| Demonstrates knowledge of general office procedures and practices. | Essential |
Work Environment | The role requires collaboration with a geographically dispersed team and requires limited travel within and between districts. |
Purpose of the Position
To ensure that the projects in an Area Program are monitored, evaluated, and reported according to World Vision standards.
Major Responsibilities
- Develop and revise indicators for all projects in your Area Program in consultation with the Project Coordinators and DM&E Manager at National Office.
- Develop monitoring and evaluation plans, systems, procedures and tools for project staff to monitor and record project progress.
- Lead the utilization of monitoring and evaluation information, secondary data from government and other development agencies for reflection and re-design for the target community and project staff.
- Manage baseline survey processes and project evaluations in consultation with Project Coordinators and Facilitators.
- Ensure regular data collection for monitoring purpose is in place according to M&E plan and each project is supported with appropriate data collection forms.
Reporting & Communications
- Support the reporting process to ensure it is on time and meets World Vision standards.
- Take and store photographs of project activities and achievements. Liaise with the Communication Officer about making these resources available.
- Based on project reports, prepare project information and articles as required by the media and donors in consultation with the Communication Officer.
Staff Capacity Development & Collaboration
- Work collaboratively with Project Coordinators and Facilitators to share M&E knowledge and to continuously improve M&E processes and outcomes.
- Collaborate with DM&E and Communications staff in other WVTL offices.
- Undertake other tasks requested by the Area Manager.
Knowledge, Skills, Abilities: | ||
Education | University degree in mathematics, statistics, agriculture, technical, or development areas. | Essential |
Knowledge & Skills | Fluent in written and spoken English. | Essential |
| Strong analytical and data interpretation skills. | Essential |
| Computer literacy, including statistical and database computer programs such as SPSS, EPI Info and MS Access. | Desirable |
| Possesses the values and attitudes that conform to World Vision core values. | Essential |
Experience | Research and administrative experience. | Preferred |
| Demonstrated ability to work in and contribute to a team. | Preferred |
Work Environment | The position requires office-based and field work, including some travel to districts. |
Purpose of the Position
Under the direction of the Project Coordinator, ensure that the project is implemented effectively, based on the project design and budget. (For example, decrease child malnutrition by increasing crop and livestock production at the household level in selected sucos of the identified sub-district.)
Dibawah petunjuk Koordinator Proyek, memastikan bahwa proyek telah diterapkan secara efektif, berdasarkan pada rancangan proyek dan anggaran. (Sebagai contoh, penurunan anak-anak malnutrisi dengan meningkatkan produksi panen dan ternak di tingkat rumah tangga dalam desa yang telah terpilih dari sub distrik yang telah teridentifikasi.)
Major Responsibilities:
Project Implementation
· Together with PSF and in coordination with the District Project Coordinator and community leaders mobilize community for organizing health and nutrition events in the scope of the project.
Bersama dengan PSF dan dalam koordinasi dengan Koordinator Proyek Distrik dan pemimpin masyarakat memobilisasi masyarakat untuk mengorganisir acara kesehatan dan nutrisi dalam jangkauan proyek.
· Provide organizational and technical support to PSF for them to organize monthly SISCA sessions.
Menyediakan bantuan organisasional dan teknik kepada PSF agar mereka mengorganisir sesi SISCA bulanan
· Support PSF to organizing weekly home visitations in the beneficiary communities.
Mendukung PSF untuk mengorganisir mingguan kunjungan rumah bagi masyarakat penerima
· Ensure correct performance of the anthropometric examinations and recording by PSF.
Memastikan pelaksanaan yang benar dari uji anthropometri dan dicatat oleh PSF
· Ensure that health education messages disseminated by the PSF in the beneficiary communities are scientifically sound, culturally appropriate, target unhealthy practices prevalent in the beneficiary communities and are in line with the national BCC strategies.
Memastikan bahwa pesan pendidikan kesehatan disebarkan oleh PSF untuk masyarakat yang menerima secara ilmu pengetahuan, kelayakan secara budaya, target praktek lazim yang tidak sehat di dalam masyarakat yang menerima dan sejajar dengan strategi BCC nasional.
· Ensure that all malnourished and sick individuals (especially pregnant and lactating women and children under five years old) identified during SISCA sessions and weekly home visitations get access to the respective recovery and treatment services.
Memastikan bahwa semua kekurangan gizi dan orang yang sakit (khususnya ibu hamil dan menyusui, serta balita) diidentifikasi selama sesi SISCA dan kunjungan rumah mingguan mendapatkan akses untuk pemulihan secara terhormat dan perawatan
· Ensure that early identification of diseases during community visitations and SISCA follows standards and procedures outlined in national IMCI and PSF guidelines.
Memastikan bahwa identifikasi awal dari penyakit selama kunjungan masyarakat dan SISCA mengikuti standar dan prosedur yang diuraikan di dalam IMCI nasional dan petunjuk PSF
· Under the direction of the District Project Coordinator, ensure that project is implemented effectively, based on the project implementation plan
Dibawah arahan dari Koordinator Proyek Distrik, memastikan bahwa proyek diterapkan secara efektif, berdasarkan pada rencana penerapan proyek
· With support from the District Project Coordinator prepare health education materials and conduct training for community members, local leaders and volunteers
Dengan dukungan dari Koordinator Proyek Distrik mempersiapkan materi pendidikan kesehatan dan memimpin pelatihan untuk anggota masyarakat, pemimpin lokal dan sukarelawan
· Supervise activities conducted by the Family Health Promoters (PSF) in the project area and provide guidance for improving quality of their work.
Mengawasi kegiatan yang dilaksanakan oleh Peningkat Kesehatan Keluarga (PSF) di dalam area proyek dan memberikan bimbingan untuk memperbaiki kualitas kerja mereka.
Reporting, Monitoring & Evaluation
· Assist Project and M&E coordinators in developing and revising project’s M&E framework and indicator tracking table
Membantu koordinator proyek dan M&E dalam mengembangkan dan merevisi kerangka kerja M&E dan tabel jalan indikator
· Together with Project and M&E coordinators develop and test project data collection tools
Bersama dengan koordinator proyek dan M&E mengembangkan dan menguji alat pengumpul data proyek
· Ensure that data on the project’s progress is collected and submitted to the Project and M&E coordinators in timely fashion
Memastikan bahwa data pada perkembangan proyek dikumpulkan dan diserahkan kepada koordinator proyek dan M&E tepat pada waktunya
· Ensure that data on the project’s progress is reported timely in compliance with the M&E framework and indicator tracking table
Memastikan bahwa data pada perkemabngan proyek dilaporkan pada waktunya dan memenuhi kerangka kerja M&E dan tabel jalan indikator
· Assist M&E coordinator in crosschecking, cleaning and analysing data collected in your project site
Membantu koordinator M&E dalam memeriksa ulang, membersihkan dan menganalisa data yang dikumpulkan dalam area proyek anda
· Assist Project and M&E coordinators and sector manager in conducting midterm and final evaluation of the project
Membantu koordinator proyek dan M&E dan manajer sektor dalam melaksanakan evaluasi proyek pertengahan semester dan akhir
Financial Management
· Prepare annual budgets with the support of the Project Coordinator.
· Manage and handle expenses related to the Project to ensure optimal spending of funds.
· Request and reconcile advances for the project implementation in timely fashion and in accordance with WVTL internal regulations
· Maintain up to date records of project documents, agreements, reports, photos and evaluations.
· Manage assets.
Staff supervision and capacity development
· Actively supervise Assistant Facilitators
Secara aktif mengawasi asisten fasilitator
· Implement the Performance Development Management (PDM) System.
Menerapkan Sistem Manajemen Pelaksanaan Pengembangan (PDM)
Capacity Development/Pengembangan kapasitas
· Identify training needs, prepare materials and conduct training for staff
Mengidentifikasi kebutuhan pelatihan, persiapan materi dan melaksanakan pelatihan untuk semua pegawai
· Assume personal responsibility for career development, and improve technical knowledge through reading, on the job learning and training.
Menerima tanggung jawab personal untuk pengembangan karir, dan meningkatkan pengetahuan teknik melalui membaca, pembelajaran pada masa kerja dan pelatihan
Be open to change, seek to continuously improve processes, and think creatively and innovatively.
Terbuka untuk berubah, mencari terus menerus untuk memperbaiki proses, dan berpikir kreatif serta inovatif.
· Adhere to World Vision Core Values and Policies.
Mengikuti nilai-nilai utama dan kebijakan World Vision
· Follow any new procedures and guidelines designated in circulars from Country Director.
Mengikuti setiap prosedur baru dan petunjuk yang telah dirancang dalam surat edaran dari Direktur Nasional
· Comply with WVTL internal policies and procedures
Mengikuti kebijakan internal WVTL dan prosedur
· Perform other duties as may be assigned by your supervisor.
Melaksanakan tugas lainnya sebagaimana yang telah diperintahkan pengawas anda
Knowledge, Skills, Abilities: | ||
Education Pendidikan | Tertiary education in relevant field Pendidikan tambahan dibidang terkait | Required/ Diperlukan |
Knowledge Pengetahuan | Demonstrated leadership skills Mendemonstrasikan keahlian memimpin | Required/ Diperlukan |
| Good presentation and communication skills for a number of different audiences Presentasi yang baik dan kemampuan berkomunikasi terhadap para hadirin | Required/ Diperlukan |
| Fluent in Indonesian and Tetun Lancar berbahasa Indonesia & Tetun | Required/ Diperlukan |
| English language skills (can read and understand English) Keahlian berbahasa Inggris (Bisa membaca dan memahami Bahasa Inggris | Preferred/ Diperlukan |
| Competent in the use of Microsoft Office computer programs including Word, Excel and PowerPoint Mampu menggunakan program komputer Microsoft Office termasuk Word, Excel dan PowerPoint | Preferred/ Diperlukan |
| A drivers license may be required Surat izin mengemudi kemungkinan diperlukan | TBA |
Experience Pengalaman | Minimum 2 years of work experience in related field Minimal bekerja 2 tahun dibidang terkait | Required/ Diperlukan |
| Proven project management skills Keahlian menangani Proyek yang telah terbukti | Required/ Diperlukan |
| Proven time management and organisational skills Keahlian menangani waktu dan organisasi yang telah terbukti | Required/ Diperlukan |
| Experience facilitating development projects and/or working with community members. Berpengalaman memfasilitasi pengembangan proyek dan/atau bekerja dengan anggota masyarakat | Preferred/ Diperlukan |
| Proven leadership ability and experience as a team player Kemampuan memimpin yang terbukti dan pengalaman sebagai pemain di dalam tim | Preferred/Disukai |
Work Environment Lingkungan Kerja | Will work with all strata of the village but with an emphasis on women and children. Akan bekerja dengan semua strata dari desa tetapi dengan penekanan terhadap kaum perempuan dan anak-anak |
The incumbent will provide guidance, support, coaching and mentoring to team members in the given focus area and ensure a culture of collaboration and communication is maintained. Orang yang memegang jabatan akan memberikan bimbingan, dukungan, pelatihan dan menasehati anggota tim di dalam area yang telah difokuskan dan memastikan budaya berkolaborasi dan berkomunikasi dijaga |
Purpose of the Position
To facilitate WVTL’s project activities by driving responsibly, and maintaining and repairing WVTL’s fleet of vehicles according to established policies and guidelines.
Untuk memprasaranai kegiatan proyek WVTL dengan tanggung jawab mengemudi, dan menjaga serta memperbaiki kendaraan armada WVTL sesuai dengan kebijakan dan petunjuk yang telah dibentuk
Major Responsibilities
Tanggung jawab utama:
· Utilize vehicles for World Vision projects or general office related matters.
Menggunakan kendaraan untuk proyek WVTL atau masalah-masalah secara umum terkait dengan kantor
· Drive responsibly, following traffic directions and respecting established speed limits and any other internal regulations for the use of vehicles.
Mengemudi dengan bertanggungjawab, mengikuti petunjuk rambu lalu lintas dan menghormati ketetapan batas kecepatan serta regulasi internal lainnya untuk penggunaan kendaraan
· Maintain daily logbooks which include: kilometers driven each day, party driven or task assignment, any irregularities or damage to vehicle, any maintenance carried out on the vehicle.
Menjaga buku catatan harian yang memasukkan: kilometers yang dikemudikan tiap harinys, pihak pengemudi atau misi penugasan, tiap ketidakteraturan atau kerusakan pada kendaraan, tiap perawatan yang dilakukan terhadap kendaraan
· Prepare accident report to WVTL
Mempersiapkan laporan kecelakaan kepada World Vision Timor Leste
· Report vehicle for maintenance according to the established mileage or any major breakdowns.
Laporkan kendaraan untuk perawatan sesuai dengan jarak mil yang telah ditetapkan atau setiap kecelakaan berat
· Carry out general maintenance of the vehicle which includes cleaning, tire pressure, brake fluid, radiator, oil check , fuel supply, and spare tire.
Melaksanakan perawatan secara umum dari kendaraan termasuk membersihkan, tekanan udara pada roda, cairan rem, radiator, pemeriksaan oli, persediaan bahan bakar, dan ban cadangan
· Ensure adequate fuel at the end of each day.
Memastikan bahan bakar yang cukup pada tiap berakhirnya hari
· Assist set-up vehicle maintenance card for each vehicle.
Membantu mempersiapkan kartu perawatan kendaraan untuk setiap kendaraan
· Request vehicle parts when needed.
Meminta suku cadang kendaraan jika diperlukan.
· Provide service report for each service and highlight any potential problem that has not been dealt with in the current service.
Menyediakan laporan kerja untuk tiap perawatan dan menggaris bawahi masalah potensial yang belum diselesaikan dalam perawatan terakhir
· Perform preventative and predictive maintenance.
Melakukan perawatan pencegahan dan perkiraan
· Complete daily maintenance and repair logs.
Melengkapi catatan perawatan harian dan perbaikan
· To perform other specific tasks assigned by the project Driver/Mechanic Coordinator.
Untuk melaksanakan tugas spesifik lainnya yang ditugaskan Supir Proyek/Koordinator Mekanik
· Commitment to World Vision International’s core values.
Komitmen terhadapa nilai inti World Vision Internasional
Knowledge, Skills, Abilities: Pengetahuan, Keahlian, Kemampuan: | ||
Education Pendidikan | Senior High School Sekolah Menengah Atas | Essential/ Diutamakan |
Training in vehicle maintenance Pelatihan mengenai Perawatan Kendaraan | Preferred/ Disukai | |
Knowledge & Skills Pengetahuan & Keahlian | Valid driver’s license. (Depending on location, position may require a class D or higher driver's license.) Surat ijin mengemudi (SIM) yang masih berlaku. (Tergantung pada lokasi, posisi yang mungkin memerlukan SIM tipe D atau lebih tinggii.) | Essential/ Diutamakan |
| Be able to lift up to 40 kg. Mampu mengangkat beban hingga 40 kg. | Essential/ Diutamakan |
| Excellence in both oral and written communication in Tetum and Indonesian. Keunggulan dalam berkomunikasi bahasa Indonesia dan Tetun Baik itu secara lisan maupun tertulis | Essential/ Diutamakan |
| Oral English skills. Kemampuan berbahasa Ingrris | Desirable/ Diharapkan |
| Demonstrates basic math skills of adding and subtracting numbers, metric conversions, weights and measures. Mempertunjukan kemampuan dasar matematika, penjumlahan, pengurangan, konversi metric, Timbangan dan ukuran. | Essential/ Diutamakan |
| Good knowledge of Timor Leste’s roads and directions. Mengetahui Jalan dan semua jurusan di Timor Leste dengan baik | Essential/ Diutamakan |
Experience Pengalaman | Have a minimum of 2 years experience as a driver, including demonstrated experience in: Minimal memiliki pengalaman 2 tahun sebagai supir termasuk mempertunjukan pengalaman dalam:
Menerapkan praktek keselamatn dan lingkungan yang baik
Meminimalisir resiko terhadap seseorang, yang lainnya dan juga lingkungan
Catatan keselamatan yang baik
Kemampuan mekanik merawat kendaraan
Mengemudi dijalan pedesaan dan
Mengemudi kendaraan 4WD | Essential/ Diutamakan |
Work Environment Lingkungan Kerja | This role requires extensive travel, including overnight stays in districts. Tugas ini memerlukan perjalanan yang diperluas, termasuk menginap di distrik-distrik. |
· For more information and detailed position descriptions, please call (670) 331 2834.
· Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan terperinci diskripsi pekerjaan silakan memnaggil ke (670) 331 2834
· Applicants should submit an application letter, CV and other documents to: HR Department, World Vision Timor Leste, Rua Jacinto de Candido/Rua D Fernando, Caicoli, Dili; or P.O. Box 43, Dili, Timor Leste.
· Para pelamar silakan menyerahkan surat lamaran, CV dan dokumen lainnya ke alamat : Departemen HR, World Vision Timor Leste, Rua Jacinto de Candido/Rua D Fernando, Caicoli, Dili; or P.O. Box 43, Dili, Timor Leste.
· Only short listed candidates will be notified and applications will not be returned.
· Hanya seleksi kandidat yang akan diberitahukan dan aplikasi tidak akan dikembalikan
World Vision Timor Leste is committed to the principles of workplace diversity.
Women are encouraged to apply.
Closing date is 9 October 2009 at 5:00 pm
Tanggal penutupan adalah 9 October 2009 jam 5.00 PM