Monday, January 11, 2010

Peace Dividend Trust Timor-Leste, Business Verification Assistant.

Terms of Reference

Business Verification Assistant
Peace Dividend Trust – Timor-Leste

Position Description
The Business Verification Assistant will provide comprehensive administrative support in the implementation of the Business Verification sub-project of the Peace Dividend Marketplace -Timor-Leste (PDM-TL) project. This position functions directly under the supervision of the Verification Team Associates.

Location: Dili, with monthly travels to all districts within Timor-Leste

Duration: Probationary term of three months, with an extension option of up to one year and beyond.

Closing date: Posted 11 January 2010. Open until filled.

The responsibilities include but are not limited to:
·         Collecting, organizing and verifying detailed information of businesses across Timor-Leste to be entered into PDM-TL’s Online Procurement Database;
·         Supplying the Business Verification Associate with up to date contact lists of all involved stakeholders;
·         Briefing stakeholders and other integral members of the community about the PDM-TL project;
·         Providing secretarial and administrative services including typing, organization of meetings, filing, and other activities required by the PDM-TL team;
·         Attending meetings as requested and processing minutes and other paperwork as appropriate;
·         Assisting in all matters relating to the implementation of the PDM-TL project as required.

·         Secondary education completed.
·         Proficiency in Microsoft Word and Excel.
·         Strong communication skills and fluency in English and Tetun and a working knowledge of written and spoken Bahasa Indonesia. Portuguese and other Timorese language skills desirable but not required.
·         Excellent organizational skills and attention to details.
·         A basic knowledge of logistics and procurement preferable.
·         Specialized training in Administration and/or Business Administration would be an asset.
·         Developed interpersonal skills and the ability to function well with a team.

Application Process
To apply for this position, send a brief presentation letter and CV to Ms. Claire Parois at  or directly to the Peace Dividend Trust office in Estrada Balide, Dili.

About PDT
Peace Dividend Trust is a non-profit foundation dedicated to making peace and humanitarian operations more efficient, effective and equitable, delivering a stronger peace and a larger peace dividend. For more information, please visit our website . 

Tetum Version

Termos de Referensia

Business Verification Assistant
Peace Dividend Trust – Timor-Leste

Deskripsaun Posisaun
Asistente Verifikasaun Negocio nian sei prepara administrasaun komprehensivu atu suporta implementa sub-projektu verifikasaun negcio iha projektu Peace Dividend Marketplace -Timor-Leste (PDM-TL). Funsaun posisaun ne’e sei supervisiona diretamente husi associate equipa verifikasaun. 

Fatin Servisu: Iha Dili, no servisu ba distrito hotu-hotu kada fulan iha Timor-Leste laran 

Durasaun: Provasaun durante fulan tolu, no sei iha opsaun extensaun ba tinan ida no liu. 

Data remata: Hahu dia 11 de Janeiro 2010. Loke to’o hetan kandidatu atu prence faga refere. 

Responsablidades inklui mais la limita ba: 
·         Koleta, organiza no verifika informasaun detailu kona ba negocio iha Timor-Leste nia laran tomak hodi hatama ba PDM-TL Online Procurement Database; 
·         Fornese lista kontaktu nebe hakfoun kona ba ema sira nebe hala’o negocio ba associate verifikasaun negocio nian;  
·         Briefing stakeholders and other integral members of the community about the PDM-TL project;
·         Esplika ba negocio na’in no membru intergradu seluk iha komunidade laran kona ba projektu PDM-TL;
·         Prepara servisu kona ba sekretariadu no administrativu inklui baku makina (ketik), runiao organizasaun, arkivamentu no aktividade seluk tan nebe presiza husi equipa PDM-TL;
·         Atende runiao tuir pedidu no halo minuta no dokumentus servisu seluk nebe propriadu. 
·         Assisting in all matters relating to the implementation of the PDM-TL project as required.
·         Fo asistensia ba servisu hotu-hotu nebe relasiona ho implementasaun projektu PDM-TL nebe persiza.

·         Kompleta edukasaun secundario.
·         Hatene kona ba Microsoft Word no Exel.
·         Skill komunikasaun di’ak iha lian Ingles ho Tetum  no hatene servisu, hakerek no koalia iha lian Indonesia. Persija mos lian Portugues no liang seluk iha Timor maibe la preriodade.
·         Iha skill di’ak kona ba organizasaun no atensaun ba detailu.
·         Konhesemento basico kona ba logistiku no prosesu prokuramentu. 
·         Specialized training in Administration and/or Business Administration would be an asset.
·         Spesializasaun treina iha Administrasaun ho/ou Administrasaun Negosiu sai nudar asset ida.
·          Iha skill halo relasaun di’ak no kapasidade atu servisu diak ho equipa servisu.

Procesu Aplikasaun
Atu hatama applikasaun ba posisaun ida ne’e, bele haruka karta aplikasaun no CV ba Sra. Claire Parois liu husi dirasaun e-mail  ou bele lori direita ba iha edevisiu Peace Dividend Trust iha Estrada Balide, Dili.

Kona ba PDT
Peace Dividend Trust mak entidade non-benefisiario ida establese atu hala’o pas no operasaun humanitaria nebe efisiensia, efektivu liu no justu, hodi fahe pas no habelar pas ba ema hotu. Informasaun kle’an liu, bele visita ami nia linha website