Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Peace Dividend Trust Timor-Leste, Matchmaking Project Senior Assistant (National Staff), Deadline November 30, 2009.

Terms of Reference

Matchmaking Project Senior Assistant (National Staff)

Peace Dividend Trust Timor-Leste


The Project Senior Assistant will assist the Project Associates in implementing all elements and aspects of the Matchmaking project of the Peace Dividend Marketplace (PDM). Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.


The Project Senior Assistant will report to the Project Associate and be responsible for assisting the Project Associate in overseeing and implementing all field aspects of the Matchmaking project.

In particular, the Project Senior Assistant will:

· Assist the Matchmaking Associate in developing detailed list of the common procurement needs of international agencies, particularly among the international agencies operating in Dili.

· Assist the Matchmaking Associate and other project team members in collecting data about local SMEs to identify goods and services that can competitively match the operational needs of the international agencies based on the list of procurement needs. The “common services” identified by the United Nations will receive particular attention. Examples could include construction materials, office supplies, transportation, food stuffs, and even IT.

· In coordination with the Verification team, help identify local small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with a demonstrated ability to provide these goods and services, and establish partnerships.

· Assist the Matchmaking Associate in providing matchmaking services to procurement managers by matching their current overseas procurement to potential local alternatives.

· Develop marketing programs and tools for the Matchmaking program to facilitate individual international staff and visitors to make purchases from local businesses.

· Maintain records and prepare reports regarding Matchmaking activities, including number of businesses consulted, number of matches created, value of contracts facilitated, and jobs created.

· Supervise, maintain and update information on blogs: Serbisu blog, Aluga Uma blog, Kareta blogs, etc.

· Attend training courses and capacity building events as instructed.

· Perform other related duties as required.


· University degree in a relevant field and/or substantial professional experience in senior positions (i.e. Masters/3 years experience, Bachelors/5 years or Secondary certificate/10 years)

· Experience developing marketing programs and tools such as brochures, posters, and advertisements

· Experience marketing to international audiences

· Knowledge of the Timorese business community and industries

· Solid presentation skills

· Confidence and ability to meet with high level executives, officials and donors

· Experience with basic MS Office programs such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint

· Familiar with Outlook and other internet related applications

· Fluent in Tetum and English (required), knowledge of Bahasa Indonesia, Portuguese and other Timorese languages (desirable)

· Strong organizational skills

· Specialized training in Administration and/or Business Administration would be an asset

· Basic knowledge of logistics would be an asset

· Good interpersonal skills and team working ability


Dili, Timor-Leste, with periodic travel to districts.


Probationary term of three months, with extension up to June 30, 2010 and further based on funding.

Closing Date

November 30, 2009

Application Process

To apply for this position, send a cover letter, current CV, and 3 professional references

by email to Ms. Claire Parois at parois@pdtglobal.org or you may send paper copies to Peace Dividend Trust, PO Box 368, Estrada de Balide, Dili, East Timor

About PDT

Peace Dividend Trust is a non-profit foundation dedicated to making peace and humanitarian operations more efficient, effective and equitable, delivering a stronger peace and a larger peace dividend. The Peace Dividend Marketplace (PDM) project is an innovative approach to increase the economic impact, and the resulting peace dividend, of the international aid and humanitarian presence in Timor-Leste. For more information, please visit our website www.peacedividendtrust.org.

Tetum Version

Termos da Referensia

Asistente Senior Projecto Suporta Ligasaun (Staff Lokal)

Peace Dividend Trust – Timor-Leste


Asistente Senior Projecto sei ajuda Associate Projecto iha implementasaun elementus no aspetus tomak husi projectu Suporta Ligasaun, “Peace Dividend Marketplace” (PDM). Ami enkoraza tebes kandidatus feto sira atu aplika ba pozisaun ida ne’e.


Asistente Senior Projecto sei halo relatorio ba Associate Projecto no sei iha responblidade atu tulun Associate Projecto iha supervizaun no implementasaun aspetu hotu-hotu husi projecto Suporta Ligasaun.

Iha partikularmente, Asistente Senior Projecto sei:

  • Tulun Associate Suporta Ligasaun hodi halo lista detailha kona ba necisidade aprovizionamento iha zera husi agencia internasional, particularmente agencia international nebe halo sira nia kn’ar iha Dili.
  • Tulun Associate Suporta Ligasaun no membru projecto seluk halo kolesaun de dadus husi emprezariu lokal medio no kiik hodi identifika sasan no servisu (Ingles: good & services) nebe bele responde ho kompetitivamente nesesidades operasionais husi azensia internasional sira bazeia ba sira nia lista requizasaun aprovizionamentu nian. Li-liu sei fo atensaun especial ba “Servisu Zeral” nebe Nasoins Unidas identifika ona. Ezemplu maka bele inkluidu materiais konstrusoins, suplai ba edifisio sira nian, transporte, aihan, no bele mos sasan Technolozia Informatika nian.
  • Halo koordenasaun ho grupo verifikasaun, ajuda atu identifika empresario local medio nomos ki’ik nebe bele hatudu abilidade / kbit atu fornese sasan no servisu sira ne’e, no establese parseria.
  • Ajuda Associate Suporta Ligasaun fornese servisu suporta ligasaun ba manazer aprovizionamentu sira ho halo ligasaun ba sira nia aprovizionamentu estranzeirus actual nian ho alternativus aprovizionamentu potensial iha rai laran nian.
  • Dezemvolve programas no instrumentu promosaun (marketing) ba programa Suporta Ligasaun atu fasilita indvidus vizitor no staff internasional sira hodi sosa sasan iha negosius local sira.
  • Manten apontementu (record) no prepara relatorio konaba actividades Servisu Suporta Ligasaun , inkluidu numeru negosius nebe konsulta tiha ona, numeru ligasaun nebe halo ona, valor husi kontratus ka tranzasaun nebe fasilita tiha ona no servisu nebe mosu ka iha tamba tranzasaun ka kontratu sira ne’e.
  • Superviziona, manten no hatama (update) informasaun iha blog hanesan: blog Serbisu, blog Aluga Uma, blog Kareta, etc.
  • Atende kursu treinamento nomos actividades aumenta kapasidade ho instrusoins husi superior sira .
  • Pronto hatu halo servicu seluk kuandu presiza..


  • Graduado Universidade iha area nebe relevante nomos experiensia professional substansial iha pozisaun senior (ex. masterado ka iha experiensia tinan 3, baixarelato ka iha experiensia tinan 5, no Sertifikadu SMA ka iha experiensia tinan 10).
  • Iha experiencia atu halo ka dezenvolve programas no instrumentu promosaun / marketing hanesan brosuras, posters no mos reklame.
  • Iha experiencia konaba halo promusaun / marketing ba atendentes internasional sira.
  • Iha koinesementu konaba komunidades negosius Timorenses no industria.
  • Kbit/kapasidade aprezentasaun nebe solid.
  • Fiar an no abilidade atu hasoru executivu nivel as (ema boot), ofisiais no doadores sira.
  • Iha experiencia kona ba programa basik MS-Office, liu liu Word, Excel no PowerPoint.
  • Familiar ho Outlook no aplikasaun internet sira seluk.
  • Bele kolia no hakerek iha lingua Tetum no Ingles (requeridu), no hatene lian Bahasa Indonesia, Portugues, ho dialecto Timorense sira seluk .
  • Kapasidade organizasional nebe forte.
  • Hetan ona treinamentu spesializadu iha Administrasaun no/ka Administrasaun Bisnis nudar vantazen ida.
  • Spesialidade treinamento iha administrasaun no mos administracao bisnis.
  • Iha konesimento baziku konaba logistika mos vantazen ida.
  • Iha personalidade no talenta nebe diak no mos iha kapasidade atu servico hamutuk.

Servisu fatin

Dili, Timor-Leste, iha viajem periodiku ba distrito hotu-hotu.


Tenke akaba termo probasionario ba fulan tolu, no sei bele extende servisu to’o 30 de Junho 2010 no liu tan depende ba iha situasaun fundus.

Vagas sei ramata iha
30 Novembro 2009

Prosesu aplikasaun

Atu hato aplikasaun ba pozisaun ida ne’e, halo favor haruka karta aplikasaun (cover letter), CV actual, no referencia profesional 3 liu husi email ba Sra. Claire Parois iha parois@pdtglobal.org, ka bele haruka dokumentus sira iha leten ne’e ba iha Peace Dividend Trust, Estrada de Balide, PO Box 368, Dili, Timor-Leste.

Kona ba PDT

Peace Dividend Trust nudar fundasaun non-profit nebe dedica nia servisu atu halo misaun humanitarian no paz nian efisiente, efectivo no equilibradu liu, hato’o paz nebe metin no justo ho klibur dame nebe bo’ot. Projectu “Peace Dividend Marketplace” (PDM) nudar aprosimasaun inovativu ida atu hasae inpactu ekonomia, no rezulta klibur dame, liu husi prezensa azudus internasional no misaun humantaria iha Timor-Leste. Atu hetan informasaun seluk tan bele vizita www.peacedividendtrust.org.