Monday, March 8, 2010

JSMP, Trainer (Parliament Watch Project), Deadline March 15, 2010.

Vacancy Announcement
Trainer (Parliament Watch Project)

The Judicial System Monitoring Programme (JSMP) was set up as an East Timorese NGO in early 2001.  Through court monitoring, the provision of legal analysis and thematic reports on the development of the judicial system, and outreach and information dissemination, JSMP is committed to the ongoing evaluation and strengthening of the justice and democratic systems in Timor-Leste. JSMP has established a small but important presence in Dili and is now seeking to contract someone to provide training to the staff of its Legal Research Unit.

Position:  Parliament Watch Programme Trainer
Expected start date: Start of March 2010
Type of Contract:  Short-term project contract
Salary: USD$ 1,000
Applications Close: 15 March 2010
Background to the Position
In 2010 JSMP is expanding its monitoring activities by establishing the Parliament Watch Project (PWP).  The aim of the PWP is to improve the quality of the legislative process by monitoring Parliamentary activities, providing legal analysis of draft laws, conducting workshops for the public and advocating for increased transparency, accountability and public participation in the legislative system.
The PWP will be run by JSMP’s Legal Research Unit and two additional staff members have been recruited to conduct PWP activities. Specifically, the Legal Officers will be responsible for monitoring and reporting on Parliamentary activities and legislative developments; providing legal analysis of draft laws; and conducting workshops for members of the public on draft laws and parliamentary processes.
Objects and Expected Outcomes of the Position
JSMP intends to contract a trainer to provide training to the staff of the LRU, particularly the two staff members who will be working on the PWP.  The training should be designed to enable staff to undertake the activities described above.
The training should cover the following topics:
  • The structure of the political system in Timor Leste, including the powers of different political actors (Parliament, President, Judiciary, Council of Ministers, President of Parliament etc);
  • The different processes of making laws in Timor Leste;
  • Laws and rules governing the functioning of Parliament, Government, Electoral processes and Political parties in Timor-Leste, eg Parliamentary Rules, enabling legislation, electoral laws, laws governing political parties;
  • General principles of constitutional law in Timor Leste and the ways in which the constitution governs the actions of parliamentary and other actors;
  • Principles of legislative analysis applicable in Timor Leste; and
  • History of the establishment and design of the democratic system in Timor Leste post independence.
Other topics that may be incorporated in training include:
  • Human rights relevant to the functioning of Parliament, for example political and civil rights enshrined in the ICCPR and the connection between those rights and, economic and social rights, (such as the rights to education and health);
  • Democratic principles, theory and history, for example theories of participatory democracy; and
  • International treaties ratified by Timor Leste that have an impact on political processes.
Training will be held over a period of several months (depending on trainer and staff availability). Training should be conducted in a practical workshop style, which incorporates activities, practice exercises and written materials including a Training Maunal. Training must be conducted in Tetun or Bahasa Indonesia.  The successful applicant will be expected to present a final Training Plan to JSMP before training commences.

Qualifications / Experience
The successful applicant must have the following qualifications / experience:
  • Undergraduate degree in law;
  • Experience working in an NGO and/or the government on human rights issues and legislative processes;
  • Experience analysing and/or drafting legislation
  • Familiarity with legislative processes in Timor Leste
  • High level interpersonal and oral and written communication skills
  • Experience working with international and domestic human rights standards
  • Experience in designing and providing training to national staff
  • High level of proficiency in written and spoken Tetun or Bahasa Indonesia
The position is open to both national and international applicants.  Timorese nationals are particularly encouraged to apply.

Application Details
Interested applicants should prepare a Draft Training Programme, which outlines timeframes, number and duration of training sessions, topics/units that will be covered and methods of training.  This should be emailed, along with their CV and a covering letter explaining how they meet the selection criteria, to Luis de Oliveira, Director JSMP luis@jsmp.minihub.orgApplications close 15 March 2010.

Tetum Version

Anunsiu Vaga
Treinador (Projetu Observasaun ba Parlamentu)

Iha 2001, JSMP establese ni-nia aan hanesan ONG Timorense. Liu husi monitorizasaun iha tribunal, analiza lei, hakerek relatoriu kona ba dezenvolvimentu iha sistema judisiariu, no disseminasaun ba informasaun, JSMP iha komitmentu atu servisu hodi halo evaluasaun no hametin sistema judisiariu no demokrasia iha Timor-Leste. Mesmu JSMP kiik, JSMP ninia prezensa importante tebés iha Timor-Leste, no agora dau – daun JSMP buka ema atu fasilita treinamentu ba staf Unidade Peskiza Juridiku nian, hodi nune’e staff foun sira hamutuk ho staff tuan bele hatene oin-sa atu hakerek diak no halo analiza legal ne’ebé mak komprehensivu.

Pozisaun:  Treinador – Projetu Observasaun ba Parlamentu
Data Komesa: Marsu 2010
Tipu Kontratu: Kontratu projetu ba tempu badak
Salariu: USD$ 1,000
Aplikasaun sei Taka: 15 de Marsu de 2010

Kontextu ba Pozisaun ne’e

Iha tinan 2010 JSMP sei haboot ninia aktividades ba monitorizasaun ninian liu husi estabelese programa foun ida, ho naran ‘Projetu Observasaun ba Parlamentu (POP).  Objetivu hosi POP atu hasa’e qualidade prosesu legislativu liu hosi aktividade monitorizasaun ba Parlamentu, hodi halo analiza legal kona ba esbozu lei, hala’o workshop ba publiku no halo ema muda sira-nia hanoin hodi aumenta transparensia, akuntabilidade no partisipasaun publiku iha sistema legislativu.

JSMP nia Unidade Peskiza Juridiku sei hala’o POP no JSMP rekruta ona ema nain rua atu hala’o aktividade POP nian.  Partikularmente, POP Legal Officer nain rua, sei iha responsabilidade atu hala’o monitorizasaun no halo relatoriu kona ba aktividade no dezenvolvimentu legislativu Parlamentu ninian; halo analiza legal kona ba esbozu lei; no hala’o workshop sira ba membru publiku kona ba esbosu lei espesifiku no prosesu jeral Parlamentu ninian.
Objetivu no Resultadu ba Pozisaun ne’e
JSMP atu halo kontratu ba treinador ida atu fo treinamentu ba staf LRU nian, partikularmente staf nain rua ne’ebé servisu ho POP. Treinamentu ne’e tenki iha dezeñu ida ne’ebé diak atu nune’e staf sira bele hala’o aktividade sira ne’ebé deskreve tia ona iha leten ho diak.
Treinamentu tenki inklui mos assuntu hirak tuir mai:
  • Estrutura sistema politika nian iha Timor Leste, inklui mos poder hosi autor politika diferente (Parlamentu, Presidente, Tribunal, Counsellu Ministru, Presidente Parlamentu nian etc);
  • Prosesu ne’ebé diferente atu halo lei iha Timor Leste;
  • Lei no regulamentu sira ne’ebé regula prosesu Parlamentu nian, prosesu governu nian, prosesu eleisaun nian no bankada politika iha Timor Leste. Por exemplu, Rezimentu Parlamentu nian, no Lei ne’ebé kria husi Parlamentu.
  • Prinsipiu jeral hosi lei konstituisaun iha Timor Leste nomos kona ba oinsa mak Prinsipiu hirak ne’e bele regula Parlamentu no atór sira seluk;
  • Prinsipiu analiza legislative  ne’ebé bele aplika iha Timor Leste; no
  • Historia kona ba establesimentu no dezeñu kona ba sistema demokrátiku iha Timor Leste depois independensia. 
Asuntu sira seluk ne’ebé karik presiza iha treinamentu ne’e inklui:
  • Direitus Umanus ne’ebé relevante ba funsionariu Parlamentu nian, exemplu direitus politika no sivil ne’e’ebe inklui iha ICCPR no ligasaun entre diretus sira ne’e no direitus sosial no ekonomika (hanesan edukasaun, saude);
  • Prinsipiu, istoria, no teoria demokrátiku, por expemplu teoria ‘Demokrasia Partisipatoriu’; no
  • Tratadu internasional ne’ebé ratifikadu tiha ona hosi Parlamentu Timor Leste ne’ebé fo impaktu ba prosesu politika. 
Treinamentu sei hala’o iha tempu fulan ida-rua (depende bainhira treinador no staf iha tempu).  Treinamentu tenki hala’o ho modelu práktika ‘workshop’, ne’ebé inklui aktividade sira, ezersisiu práktiku no dokumentu hanesan ‘Training Manual’.  Treinamentu tenki hala’o iha tetun ka Bahasa Indonesia.  Ema ne’ebé selesionadu atu serbisu ho JSMP presiza aprezenta Planu Treinamentu final antes treinamentu hahu.

Kualifikasaun/ Esperensia
Ema ne’ebé selesionadu atu serbisu ho JSMP ba  posisaun ne’e sei presiza:
  • Edukasaun nivel universidade iha lei;
  • Esperiensia servisu ho ONG sira seluk ka ho governu kona ba assuntu direitus umanus no prosesu legislativu nian 
  • Esperiensa kona ba oinsa mak atu analiza lei no/ka oinsa mak atu halo analiza esbosu lei
  • Iha koñesementu kona ba prosesu legislativu iha Timor Leste 
  • Iha kapasidade atu halo kommunikasaun (koalia no hakerek) iha nivel aas.
  • Esperiensia hanesan treinador, no mos iha koñesementu kona ba oinsa mak atu halo dezeñu ba treinamentu ba staf lokal
  • Esperiensia servisu ho diretus umanus kriterio domestika no internasional
  • Hatene koalia no hakerek Tetum ho diak
Pozisaun ne’e loke ba ema nasional no internasional. Aplikante nasional hetan enkoraja bo’ot atu hatama aplikasaun.

Aplikante sira ne’ebé iha interesse tenki prepara Esbosu Planu Treinamentu ida, ne’ebé planeadu tuir  orariu, tempo no numeru workshop sira, asuntu ne’ebé inklui iha treinamentu no prosesu treinamentu nian.  Aplikante sira tenki haruka Esbosu Planu Treinamentu ne’e hamutuk ho sira nia CV no karta aplikasaun ne’ebé explika oinsa mak sira priense kriteria selesaun ninian ba Luis de Oliveira Sampaio, Diretor Ezekutivu JSMP
luis@jsmp.minihub.orgAplikasaun sei taka iha loron 15 Marsu 2010.