Fundasaun Haburas buka atu rekruta ema ida ho motivasaun bo’ot no entuziasta atu sai asistente iha area peskiza no peskizador nain 4 atu halao peskiza durante fulan 6 hobalu sobre Jestaun Rai Komunidade no Dezenvolvimentu Rurais. Bele hetan iha kraik informasaun liu tan kona-bá projetu no termos da referensia ba pojisaun relevante hirak ne’e.
Organizasaun: Fundasaun Haburas
Projetu: Haburas no Banku Mundial (J4P) Peskiza kona-bá systema jestaun rai komunidade no dezenvolvimentu rurais
Pojisaun: Ema 1 ba Asistente ba Peskiza iha kampu
Ema nain 4 nudar peskizador
*hare deskrisaun iha kraik kona-ba knar no funsaun pozisaun sira ne’e.
Durasaun: Loron 4, FulanJaneiru, 2009 – Loron 7, Fulan Julhu 2010
Bazeia iha : Bazeia iha Dilli, maibe ho orario signifikante (fulan 2 to’o 3) iha kampu?
Se deit maka bele halo rekerementu?
Pozisaun ida ne’e nakloke ba aplikant sira ne’ebé kualifikadu ami fo mos koragem maka’as ba feto para atu aplika.
Oinsa atu halo rekerementu?
Favor ida manda dokumentu de aplikasaun hotu ba Sra. Meabh Cryan liu husi email, meabhcryan@gmail.com ka lori aplikasaun direitamente ba kantor Fundasaun Haburas, Rua Governo da Silva, Farol, Dili ANTES de Segunda Feira, 7 Dezembru, 2009.
Aplikantes ne’ebe hakarak halo rekerementu ba pozisaun rua iha letené tenki hakereksira nian intensaun atu aplika ba poziaun rua iha applikasaun nia laran.
Applikantes hotu tenki inklui iha sira nian rekerementu rezumu profisional ida (Curriculum Vitae) no karta Eksplikasaun.
Iha rezumu profisional tenki inklui informasuan tuir mai ne’e:
- Detalle kona-bá esperensia de servisu, ou esperensia seluk ida ne’ebé relevante ho peskisa ida ne’e
- Detalle kona-bá kualifikasaun sira, nivel ka/no esperiensia edukasaun
- Rekomendasaun Profesional no/ka akademiku
Karta esplikasaun tenki inklui mos:
- Ita bo’ot sira nia numeru de kontaktu ka diresaun relevante ruma
- Explika ho klaru ba pozisaun ida ne’ebé ita hatama ita nia aplikasaun
- Esplika tamba saida maka ita hakarak aplika ba pozisaun ida ne’e
- Informasaun ruma kona-bá ita bo’ot nia konhesimentu, esperensia no kualidade pesoal ida ne’ebe bele hatudu katak ita mak serve ba pozisaun ida ne’ebe ita bo’ot aplika ba
Aplikantes ba pozisaun ASISTENTE PESQUISADOR TENKI HATAMA SIRA NIA APLIKASAUN IHA LINGUA INGLES, no se iha posibilidade, inklui mos dokumentos ne’ebé hatudu ita nia abilidade atu bele hakerek no koalia iha lian ingles.
Aplikants sira ne’ebé susesu deit maka sei hetan kontaktu. Aplikantes sira ho kualifikasaun maka’as sei tau iha lista badak hodi prepara ba entrevista. Entrevista sira ne’ebe sei akontese Loron 9 no 10, Fulan Dezembru.
Fundasaun Haburas
Fundasaun Haburas nudar organizasaun meio ambiente iha Timor Leste. Ami servisu hodi desenvlove ema nian konhesementu ba assuntu meio ambientental, halo edukasaun no advokasia iha parte politika meio ambientalno kestaun mudansa klimatiku, fasilita preservasaun mekanismu de konservasaun tradisional liu husi lei Tara Bandu, promove kumbustivel alternativu no halo peskisa seluk iha area meiu ambiente.
Fundasaun Haburas agora dadaun toma responsabilidade nudar Sekertariadu Rede ba Rai no aktivamente involve hodi promove no fo protesaun ba Komunidade sira nian direito ba rai, hodi promove nesesidade distribuisaun rai ne’ebe justu, hodi promove asesu ba rai ba ‘grupo rai kbiit-laek’ sira, no hodi hakbiitpovu Timor sira nian knaar iha formasaun politika administrasaun rai, lejislasaun no regulamentu sira.
Banku Mundial sira nian programa justisa ba kiak (J4P)
Programa Banku Mundial Justica ba Kiak (J4P) hanesan programa peskisa no dezenvolvimentu global ho objetivu atu informa, desenha no supporta reformasaun iha area justisa ne’ebe foka ba ema kiak sira nian presiza.
Programa Justisa ba Kiak halao iha nasaun 4 (Indonesia, Cambodia, Sierra Leone no Kenya). Programa ba Timor Leste lansa iha fulan Juliu 2008. Iha Timor Leste programa ne’e sei foka liu ba aspetu rua ne’ebe importante;
i) Desenvolvimentu de estado iha nivel local
ii) Jestaun systema raikomunidade no dezenvolvimentu rurais
Projetu Systema Jestaun Rai Komunidade no Dezenvolvimentu Rurais nia objetivu maka atu haluan prosesu no relasiona entre governu, investidores no komunidade sira (inklui komunidade adat) ne’ebe augmenta produsaun no ne’ebe mos justu.
Projetu Peskiza kona-ba Rai Komunidade no Dezenvolvimentu Rurais
Objetivu bo’ot husi programa ida ne’e mak atu kria prinsipiu pratikia de hakne’in entre governu, investadores no komunidade ne’ebe bele garante protesaun ba komunidade sira no nia membru maibe ho tempu hanesan bele loke dalan ba seitor privadu atu investe iha ekonomia rurais.
Ita hein katak prinsipiu hirak ne’e ikus liu bele fó hanoin ruma ba governu nian atu kria politika ka kodigu komportamentu ne’ebe regula u hakne’in entre investidores sira no komunidade sira nia rai.
Parte peskiza Haburas nian liuliu maka involve prosesu foti kazu praktika sira ne’ebe hatudu parte ruma hakne’in sira ne’ebe diak entre governu, investidore no komunidade sira.
Pozisaun Asistente ba Peskisa iha Kampu
Knaar no Responsabilidade sira:
Asistente ba peskisa iha kampu sei halao funsaun importante rua: 1) atu asiste, halo ko-ordinasaun ho membrus sira seluk iha grupo peskisa nia laran, prepara dokumentu no materias iha aspeitu peskisa hotu-hotuno; 2) atu sai hanesan durabasa ba ko-ordenadór kampu estrangeiru no halo tradusaun ba dokumentu sira ne’ebe presiza durante peskiza (Ingles/Tetum)
Tamba ne, asistente peskisador iha kampu sei halo funsaun nudar:
- Halo tradusaun ba dokumentu relevante, reportagem no dadus de pesquisa
- Toma responsabilidade nudar tradutor/durabasa ba ko-ordinador perskisa iha kampu durante visita iha area rurais no, se presiza, durante entrevista no soru mutu ne’ebe halao iha Dili
- Partisipa aktivamente iha kria planu de peskisa no sesaun de revisaun sira
- Asiste durante foti, no revisaun ba literatura no dokumentu politika ne’ebe relevante ba projetu
- Asiste koordenador de kampu no peskisador sira seluk iha aspeitu hotu-hotu liu-liu foti dadus (halao entrevista no diskusaun grupu) no apresentasaun (halo transkrisaun ba entrevista no apresenta informasaun importante ne’ebe hetan durante halo peskisa)
- Partisipa aktivamente hodi halo preparasaun ba reportagem
- Halao responsabilidade sira seluk quando presisa
Kualifikasaun ne’ebe presiza:
- Hatene koalia no hakerek iha lian Ingles no Tetum
- Degree ka edukasaun nivel universidade iha area lei, ekonomia, politika, siensia sosial, dezenvolvimentu rurais ka area sira seluk ne’ebe relevante
- Tenki esperiensia servisu ho minimum tinan rua iha area desenvolvimento rurais, lei, trabalho sosiais, politica de desenvolvimento ou area relevante sira seluk
- Esperensia iha area foti dadus usa metodu kuantitativu no kualitativu
- Iha konhesementu ida klean sobre institusional sosial no kontextu politika iha Timor Leste
- Konhesimentu iha programa komputador (inklui Microsoft Word) no iha kapasidade atu uza internet ba komunikasaun no foti dokumentu relevante ruma no dadus sira seluk
- Iha kapasidade atu toma responsabilidade oin-oin, no iha abilidade atu servisu iha pressaun nia laran atu bele atinji orario
- Iha kapasidade atu servisu iha grupu nia laran
Kualifikasaun no Matenek ne’ebe Prefere
Hanesan adisional ba kualifikasaun ne’ebe mensiona iha leten, kualifikasaun hirak tuir mai ne’e no konhsimento sira seluk sei konsideira nudar vantagen:
- Kompetente atu bele hakerek iha lian Indonesi, Portugues, no/ka lian locais sira seluk ne’ebe uza iha Timor-Leste
- Esperiensia hanesan tradutor/durabasa entre lian ingles no tetun
- Iha lisensa atu kaer kareta (SIM)
Pozisaun ba Peskisador iha Kampu
Funsaun no Responsabilidade
Funsaun primeiru husi peskisador iha kampu maka hanesan foti no apresenta dadus ne’ebe hetan husi peskisa. Iha parte seluk, peskisador iha kampu mos sei halao funsaun aktivamente iha parte atu desenvolve stratejia de peskisa, planamentu no revisaun ba metodolojia etc.
Tamba ne’e, knaar ne’ebe maka pesquisador iha kampu presisa atu halo:
- Partisipa aktivamente iha planu de peskisa no sesaun de revisaun
- Asiste durante foti, no revisaun ba literature no dokumentu politika ne’ebe relevante ba projetu
- Foti dadus primeiru husi kampu (halo entrevista, levantamentu, fasilita grupu diskusaun)
- Partisipa aktivamente hodi halo preparasaun ba reportagem
- Halao responsabilidade sira seluk quando precisa
Kualifikasaun ne’ebe presiza
- Hatene koalia no hakerek iha Tetum
- Edukasaun nivel universidade Lei, ekonomic, siensia politika, siensia sosial, desenvolvimentu rurais ka sujeitu sira seluk ne’ebe relevante (sira ne’ebe maka iha prosesu atu remata sira nia estudu mos sei konsideira sira nia aplikasaun iha fase ida ne’e)
- Iha vontade no abilidade atu pasa tempo naruk (fulan 2-3) iha distritu sira, dala ruma dook husi Dili.Konhesimentu ida que klean sobre social, institusional no contexto politica iha Timor Leste
Experencia iha area colecta dadus usa metodos quantitativo no qualitativo
- Konhesimentu iha programa computador (inclui Microsoft Word) no iha kapasidade atu usa internet ba komunikasaun no foti dokumentu relevante ruma no dadus sira seluk
- Iha kapasidade atu servisu iha pressaun nia laran atu bele atinji orario
- Iha kapasidade atu servisu iha grupu nia laran
Kualifikasaun no Matenek nebe Prefere
Hanesan adisional ba kualifikasaun ne’ebe mensiona iha leten, kualifikasaun hirak tuir mai ne’e no konhsimento sira seluk sei konsideira nudar vantagen:
- Kompetente atu bele hakerek iha lian Indonesai, Portugues, no/ka liang lokais sira seluk ne’ebe uza iha Timor-Leste
- Kompetente atu bele hakerek no konversa iha lian Ingles
- Esperensia iha area foti dadus usa metodu kuantitativu no kualitativu
- Esperensia servisu iha area desenvolvimentu, no peskisa iha are relevante sira seluk
- Iha lisensa atu kaer kareta (SIM)
Atu hetan informasaun liu bele kontaktu Meabh Cryan ho email meabhcryan@gmail.com no ho numeru telemovel 7307800.
The Haburas Foundation seeks to recruit 1 highly motivated and enthusiastic field research assistant and 4 field researchers to undertake 6.5 months of research on Customary Land Management and Rural Development. See below for more information about the project and Terms of References for the relevant positions.
Organisation: The Haburas Foundation
Project: Haburas and World Bank (J4P) Research on Customary Systems of Land Management and Rural Development
Positions: 1 Field Research Assistant-Coordinator
4 Field Researchers
*See below for description of roles
Duration: January 4th 2009 – July 7th 2010
Location: Dili based, but with significant time (2 – 3 months) in the field
Who can apply?
The position is open to all qualified applicants and female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.
How to apply
Please send all applications to Meabh Cryan via email, meabhcryan@gmail.com or deliver applications to the Haburas Foundation office at, Rua Governo da Silva, Farol, Dili BEFORE Monday, December 7th, 2009.
Applicants wishing to apply for both positions need only apply once, but should indicate this within their written application.
All applications should include a resume and covering letter.
Your resume should include:
- Details of your work experience, or other experience that is relevant to the job
- Details of your educational qualifications
- Professional and/or academic references
Your covering letter should:
- Include your contact details
- State which of the position(s) for which you are applying
- Explain why you want to apply for this position
- Information about your skills, experience and personal qualities that will demonstrate your suitability for the position for which you are applying
Applicants for the FIELD RESEARCH ASSISTANT POSITION MUST SUBMIT THEIR APPLICATIONS IN ENGLISH, and if possible, attach a document that demonstrates their ability to write competently in English.
Only successful applicants will be contacted and short-listed candidates can expect to attend an interview on the 9th or 10th of December.
The Haburas Foundation
The Haburas Foundation is Timor ’s main environmental NGO. We work on increasing environmental awareness and education, doing advocacy on environmental and climate change issues and policies, facilitating the preservation of traditional conservation mechanisms such as Tara Bandu, promoting alternative fuels and doing environmental research.
The Haburas Foundation is currently acting as the Secretariat of the Land Rights Network (Rede ba Rai) and is actively involved in promoting the protection of Community Land Rights, fair distribution of land, promoting the needs of Land Vulnerable Groups and ensuring the participation of Timorese people in the formation of land policies, legislation and regulations.
The World Bank Justice for the Poor (J4P) Programme
The World Bank’s Justice for the Poor (J4P) program is a global research and development program aimed at informing, designing and supporting pro-poor approaches to justice reform.
The J4P program has been active in four countries (Indonesia , Cambodia , Sierra Leone and Kenya ). The Timor-Leste program was launched in July 2008. In Timor-Leste the program focuses on two main aspects;
i) State building at the local level
ii) Customary systems of land management and rural development
The J4P ‘Customary Systems of Land Management and Rural Development Project’ focuses on finding approaches for the expansion of productive and equitable engagement between government, investors and communities (including customary communities).
The Customary Land and Rural Development Research Project
The broad objectives of the programme are to look at best-practice principles for engagements between government, investors and customary communities which ensure protection of customary communities and their members while encourage private sector investment in the rural economy.
Such principles could eventually feed into corporate codes of good practice and state regulations on investor engagement in community land.
Specifically the Haburas led part of the research project involves the collection of case studies which illustrate best practice engagements between government, investors and customary communities.
Field Research Assistant
Duties and Responsibilities:
The field research assistant will have two key roles: 1) to assist, in coordination with other members of the research team, in all aspects of field research and; 2) to translate required documents during the research process and to act as translator for non-tetun speaking field co-ordinator (English/Tetum)
As such, the field research assistant will be expected to:
- Translate relevant documents, reports and research data
- Act as an interpreter for the field research coordinator during field research visits and, where necessary, within interviews and meetings conducted in Dili
- Actively participate in research planning and review sessions
- Assist in the collection, and review of literature and policy documents relevant to the project
- Assist the field coordinator and researchers in all aspects of data collection (e.g. conducting interviews and focus group discussions) and presentation (e.g. transcribing interviews and presenting key findings)
- Actively participate in the preparation of research reports
- Undertake other duties as required
Required Qualifications:
- Fluency in both written and spoken English and Tetum
- Third level education in law, economics, politics, social science, rural development or a related subject
- A minimum of 2 years experience working in the field of rural development, law, social work, policy development or other relevant field
- An in-depth understanding of the social, institutional and political context of Timor Leste
- Knowledge of computer programs (including Microsoft Word) and the ability to use the internet for the purposes of communication and the collection of relevant documents and other data
- The capacity to handle multiple responsibilities simultaneously, and the ability to work well under pressure to meet deadlines
- The ability to work well within a team
Preferred Qualifications and Skills
In addition to the qualifications outlined above, the following qualifications and skills would be considered an advantage:
- Competence in written and spoken Bahasa Indonesian, Portuguese, and/or other local languages used in Timor Leste would be an advantage
- Experience in translation or interpretation at a professional level
- Experience of gathering data using qualitative and quantitative social research methods
- A drivers license
Field Researcher Positions
Roles and responsibilities
The primary role of the field researchers will be the collection and presentation of field data. However, field researchers will also be expected to play an active role in the development of the research strategy, planning and review of methodology etc.
As such, field researchers will be expected to:
- Participate in research planning and review sessions
- Assist in the collection, and review of literature and policy documents relevant to the project
- Collect primary data (via e.g. conducting interviews, focus groups, surveys etc)
- Transcribe and present collected data for use in research reports
- Participate in the preparation of research reports
- Undertake other duties as required
Essential Qualifications and Skills
- Fluency in spoken and written Tetum
- A university degree in law, economics, politics, social science, rural development or a related subject (those currently working towards the completion of their university degree will also be considered)
- A willingness and ability to spend extensive periods of time (around 50% of the contract, to include evenings and weekends) in remote areas throughout Timor Leste, often at minimal notice
- An in-depth understanding of the social, institutional and political context of Timor Leste
- Knowledge of computer programs (including Microsoft Word) and the ability to use the internet for the purposes of communication and the collection of relevant documents and other data
- The ability to work well under pressure to meet deadlines
- The ability to work well within a team
Preferred Qualifications and Skills
In addition to the qualifications outlined above, the following qualifications and skills would be considered an advantage:
- Competence in written and spoken Bahasa Indonesian, Portuguese, and/or other local languages used in Timor Leste
- Competence in written and spoken English
- Experience of gathering data using qualitative and quantitative social research methods
- Experience of working in the field of development, law, research or another other relevant field
- A drivers license
For more information please contact Meabh Cryan at meabhcryan@gmail.com or 7307800
Obrigada barak,
Meabh Cryan
Land Issues Mentor
Rede ba Rai Timor-Leste (The Timor-Leste Land Network)
Fundasaun Haburas,
Rua Celestino da Silva,
+670 730 7800
+353 85 1461435
Land Issues Mentor
Rede ba Rai Timor-Leste (The Timor-Leste Land Network)
Fundasaun Haburas,
Rua Celestino da Silva,
+670 730 7800
+353 85 1461435
Rede ba Rai Timor-Leste (The Timor-Leste Land Network)
Fundasaun Haburas,
Rua Celestino da Silva,
+670 730 7800
+353 85 1461435