
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Trócaire, Finance and Administrative Staff, Deadline 30 April 2009
FATIN:Dili, Timor-Leste
DEPARTMEN:International Department
LORON: 20 April 2009
Igreja Katólika Irlandia nian mak har’ii rócaire núdar organizasaun ba tulun dezenvolvimentu sosial. Trócaire la halao projetu rasik. Organizasaun ne’e halao ninia knaar liu hosi organizasaun lokal. Ami buka hela Timor oan ba servisu iha ami nia kantor iha Dili. Ami servisu ho ami nia parseirus hodi halao programa rua iha Timor-Leste – dezenvolvimentu rurais no mos hamenus konflikto.
Hanoin baziku kona ba knar ne’e:
Trocaire serbisu tiha ona hamutuk ho staf iha Timor-Leste nia laran hahu tinan 2007. Trocaire serbisu liu hosi parseiru lokal sira. Trocaire la implementa projeitu sira direitamente. Agora dadauk ne’e ami serbisu hamutuk ho organizasaun lokal liu 15 iha Timor Leste nia laran konsentra ba sustentavel vida lor-loron nian no hari’i pas.
Trocaire desentraliza ti ona manajementu finanseira ba ofisiu sira iha Asia do Sul. Ofisiu sira ne’e presiza staff ne be iho esperensia ho finansa atu maneje sira nia osan ne’ebe gastu ba aktividades, osan kantor nian, relatorio finansas no mos hodi suporta no halo monitorisasaun ba prosesu finansa parseiru sira nian. Administrasaun kona ba prosesu edifisiu no sistema sira mos sai hanesan aspektu ida hosi serbisu ne’e.
Hatan ba: Asistente Manejer Rejional, iha Dili
Durasaun kontratu: Tinan ida
Nivel no skala: Pozisaun nasional bazeia ba skala salariu INGO
Serbisu fatin: Dili, Timor-Leste no dala ruma la’o ba distritu sira.
Knaar atu halo:
Pozisaun ne’e sei involve iha serbisu hametin sistema sira finansial nian, halo planu, no halo monitoring ba osan sira ne’ebe sirkula iha nasaun laran. Hatebes (memastikan) katak iha transparensia no kontabilidade finansial tuir prosedur sira ne’ebe iha hodi hala’o serbisu tomak tuir xave serbisu ne’e nian. Pozisaun ida ne’e mos involve iha finansial hosi loron ba loron no hatebes funsionamentu administrasaun ofisiu. Pozisaun ne’e sei liga regular ho Ofisiar Finansa Rejional nian.
Knar no responsabilidade:
Finansa:• Mantein didiak numeru (jumlah) osan no pagamentu sira.
• Simu kuitansi/ resibu sira, verifika dokumentu sira, no prepara pagamentu sira ne’ebe mak husu atu aprova.
• Tulun staf hodi prepara no fahe osan viajen sira ne’ebe hetan tiha ona aprovasaun
• Hasai osan tuir lolos orsamentu ida-idak nia lina operasaun no nia doasaun sira.
• Arkivu didiak dokumentu sira kona ba osan no sasan tuir ida-idak ninian.
• Hafoun nafatin osan nia regista no halo relatoriu orsamentu fulafulan.
• Fo tulun ba ofisiariu sira programa nian atu hafoun nafatin parseiru nia relatoriu sira kona ba orsamentu, verifika tranzasaun sira, no kria mekanismu ruma atu parseiru sira bele hadi’a sira nia sistema finanseira no kontabilidade.
• Hatebes katak staf no parseiru sira sei kumpri no halo tuir Trocaire nia politika finanseira.
• Tau matan ba serbisu sira lor-loron nian iha ofisiu.
• Fo tulun ba Asistente Manejer Rejional hodi hala’o nia serbisu.
• Halo tuir nafatin prosedur sira ne’ebe iha atu nune’e knar ofisiu nian la’o diak.
• Dezenvolve forma no prosedur foun sira ne’ebe presiza.
• Halo preparasaun ba enkontru sira no eventu sira seluk Trocaire nian.
• Hatebes katak edifisiu ho nia ekipamentu sira iha kondisaun diak no seguru, presiza hadi’a no taumatan didiak nafatin.
• Halo tuir lolos regra sira administrava nian ba buat sira ne’ebe selu karun.
• Trata visa ba staf sira ne’ebe hosi rai/ nasaun seluk.
• Halo ligasaun ho ofisiu sira seluk ne’ebe mak relevante.
• Husu ka selu uluk (booking) tiket sira ba viajen internasional.
• Hala’o mos funsaun sira seluk ne’ebe relasiona ho knar sira ne’ebe mak ofisiu presiza.
Knar seluk tan:• Kuidadu no rai didiak nafatin segredu sira ne’ebe relasiona ho organizasaun nia serbisu.
• Halo ligasaun ho Ofisiu Rejional koba assuntu finanseiru no relatoriu sira.
Kriterius – Tenke iha
• Esperensia minimum serbisu tinan rua iha finansa iha organizasaun non-gouvernmental ka iha esperensia ba finansa tinan rua hosi organizasaun privadu ruma.
• Akaba kursu iha universidade ka kolejiu hosi area finansa, kontabilidade, ka relasaun ho area ne’e.
• Iha kuinesementu kona ba komputeriza sistema sira kontabilidade nian, spreadsheets no mos programa database ne’ebe standar.
• Iha kuinesementu kona ba kontabilidade, prokuramentu, kontrola no manejementu finansial ba osan projetu sira nian ne’ebe mai hosi donor.
• Hetan konfiansa maka’as, iha objetividade no honesti/ laran mos.
• Fleksibilidade, iha kapasidade atu resolve problema, iha kapasidade serbisu iha situasaun mudansa struktura no iha presaun nia laran.
• Koalia no hakerek Tetun diak/mos.
• Minimal Ingles nivel baziku – koalia no hakerek.
• Iha kapasidade atu serbisu nu’udar parte hosi tim / ekipa ida.
• Iha kapasidade halo planu no hanoin ne’ebe proativu.
Presiza liu ema ne’ebe mak:
• Iha esperensia serbisu ba organizasaun ruma ne’ebe bazeia ba igreja.
• Koalia no hakerek Bahasa Indonesia diak.
• Koalia no hakerek Ingles diak.
Atu hatama applicasuan tenke :
1) Hakerek surat ida ba explika tamba sá Ita-bot hakarak núdar kandidatu diak ba kaer servisu ne’e
2) Haruka CV kona ba kandidatu ninia esperiénsia importante liu ba servisu ida ne’e. Favor ida fo detail/informasaun espefiko kona ba actividades Ita-bot halo iha servisu uluk. Labele fo geral deit.
3) Fo referensias toulu (informasaun hosi ema ne’be konhese Ita-bot nia hahalok/servisu ti ona) .
Favor hatama surat hirak ne’e iha eskritóriu Trócaire nian, iha CRS nia kotuk, iha Rua Dom Aleixo Corte Real, Fomentu. Labele husik surat ne’e iha CRS nia eskritóriu.
Loron ikus liu ba hatama surat ba servisu ne’e: 30 Avril 2009, tuku hat lokraik (4:00 pm).
Aviso kona ba ema ne be hetan intervista: 1 May 2009, tuku hat lokraik (4:00 pm).
Intervista la’o: 5 May 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Ministry of Health, Medical Equipment Specialist Advisor, Deadline 18 May 2009
Ministry of Health
Closing date: 18 May 2009
Location: Timor-Leste - Dili with travel to the districts of Timor-Leste
Ministry of Health
Position Code: 5.B.19
Position Title: Medical Equipment Specialist
Unit: Medical Equipment Department, National Directorate of Administration, Logistic and Procurement
Reporting to: Head of the Medical Equipment Department
Version: March 2009
Position Start: July 2009
Position End: July 2011 (24 months)
Probation period: 3 Months
Assessment: Annual
Background of the Project
The Government of Timor-Leste has received International Development Agency (World Bank – IDA) grant together with AusAID Trust Fund Grant for the Health Sector Strategic Plan – Support Project (HSSP-SP). The overall objective of the project is to improve the quality and coverage of preventive and curative health services, particularly for women and children, in order to accelerate progress toward achieving the health Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Specifically, the project aims to improve accessibility to and demand for quality health services, strengthen management and human resource development, support systems and improve overall coordination, planning and monitoring.
Due to the rapid progress in the sector of Healthcare Technology and the necessity to advance practices in clinical and medical treatment systems, the need for Health Care Technology Management is a priority in the Health Sector. The curative services in hospitals and clinics are increasingly dependent on the Biomedical Equipment and Laboratory Services for diagnostic purposes. To ensure accuracy of equipment based diagnostic reports, proper functioning of equipment is essential. Periodic calibration, preventative maintenance, routine equipment inspection and Total Quality Management of Biomedical Equipment is essential to ensure and guarantee the effectiveness and reliability of the Diagnostic Equipment.
The Ministry of Health, Timor-Leste is committed to providing reliable health care services to the population from all Health Facilities in the country by establishing an appropriate Biomedical Equipment Management and Maintenance System.
General Objective of the Position (Medical Equipment Specialist):
The objective of this appointment, Medical Equipment Specialist is the provision of effective management and maintenance of Biomedical equipment which includes capacity building activities in the sector. The Medical Equipment Specialist will function in the Medical Equipment Department, under National Directorate of Administration, Logistic and Procurement of Ministry of Health, Timor-Leste. The services of the Specialist will be required at policy level and operational level at centre and in the districts for the Ministry of Health, Timor-Leste
Major Objectives: The major objectives of this appointment include;
- Strengthen the Medical Equipment Department of Ministry of Health in the area of organisational setup, capacity building, policy development and implementation
- Carryout the maintenance and repair activities for Health Posts, Community Health Centres, District Hospitals, Referral Hospitals and National Hospital in Dili, where possible in a mentoring, skill transfer roll.
- Development of medical equipment maintenance strategy and physical assets management plan for Ministry of Health and establish central, referral and facility level maintenance and repair (M&R) workshop in the central , regional, districts and health facilities in the country
- Development and update the essential equipment list for all levels of health facilities in country with brief specification and list of spare parts required
- Update the equipment inventory list and establish an appropriate equipment database which includes the a reporting system for medical equipment maintenance problems
- Develop training modules for major equipment and conduct in-country training for MoH and facility level maintenance staff and develop and implement a users training program including equipment care, operation, safety and infection control.
- Assist with the technical aspects of medical equipment procurement including development of specifications, bidding documents, bid evaluation and contract award.
- Carryout equipment inspection, testing and certification of acceptance for newly procured/donated equipment, spare parts and consumables
- Conduct an orientation course for management staff and supervisors of the health facilities on equipment use, maintenance and repair need, inventory and reporting systems.
- Assist the MoH and Facility In-charge to check the stored equipment and prepare the disposal list.
- Carryout a needs assessment for maintenance and repair training for facility staff and recommend both in-country and overseas trainings
- Update and keep the equipment wise Operation and Maintenance Manuals and conduct training for their application
Scope of services:
Policy Matters:
- Development of medical equipment policy which inlcudesnational standards, specification, procurement, donation, insurance/warranty, operation, maintenance, inventory, safety, phase-out/replacement, environment/radiation protection and other as appropriate)
- Development of equipment maintenance strategy and policy implementation plan
- Develop/review maintenance management structure particularly for medical equipment at centre and facility level. Design equipment maintenance referral protocols and structure.
Technical and Management issues:
- Prepare the list and specification for maintenance and repair tools for all levels of M&R workshops.
- Carryout an assessment for the possibility of outsourcing the equipment maintenance contracts and provide the recommendations
- Establishment and operation of maintenance and repair workshops at central, referral, district and facility level.
- Develop and implement preventive maintenance plan (routine inspections and calibrations) for all levels of Health Facilities
- Based upon the situational analysis and requirements; recommend standby equipment for emergency use in case of unexpected breakdown and failure of existing equipment.
- Update and keep the equipment Operation and Maintenance Manuals including the circuit diagrams.
- Monitor safety and radiation (health and environment) protection activities of the Facility.
- Update the equipment assets register of all Health facilities and transfer those information to the computerised equipment database system
- Provide Ministry of Health/ Head of Medical Equipment Department with regular monthly status reports highlighting the progress made on Equipment Maintenance and Management Programmes.
Supervision/Coordination role:
- Supervise equipment maintenance and repair activities of all level of Health Facilities under MoH.
- Assist the Procurement department of MoH for the equipment procurement and carry out equipment inspection, testing and certification of acceptance for newly procured/donated equipment, spare parts and consumables
- Assist MoH for estimating the annual budget for equipment procurement and maintenance and repair budget required for all levels of health facilities
- Coordination and liaison support with the building and other supportive services of the health facilities for the effective utilisation of equipment services
- Develop and Implement Disaster Management Plan for medical equipment
- Provide coordination support to the Information, Communication and Technology Specialist and Health Management Information System Specialist to update the information regarding the medical equipment status
- Respond to the queries from the District team or Facility in-charge regarding the Physical Assets Management and Maintenance issues
- Arrange/participate meetings with hospital/facility in-charges and maintenance team for the medical equipment management, maintenance and training issues
- Provide support and coordination to the Facility Maintenance coordinator and Engineers of MoH.
Capacity Building:
- Design and conduct equipment maintenance and repair trainings (preventative and corrective) for facility maintenance staff.
- Design and conduct training on Inventory management, equipment database, Maintenance requests and actions, equipment replacement plan, safety and radiation (health and environment) protection.
- Train the maintenance staff assigned by Hospital authority or Ministry of Health on Physical Assets Management and Maintenance activities.
- Design and conduct orientation, refresher and users training programmes.
Outputs required:
- Monthly progress report to the Head of the Medical Equipment Department, outlining progress and issues of management, maintenance and capacity building activity.
- Establishment of a functional medial equipment department in MoH and M&R Workshop in Referral, Districts and Facility level
- Equipment inventory and computerised database system in centre and facility levels and recording system of maintenance requests and action in place.
- Operation and Maintenance Manuals of all medical equipments produced and available for all health facilities.
- Medical Equipment Policy of MoH, Government of Timor-Leste is approved and policy implementation plan is available.
- Maintenance Strategy for MoH is approved and action plan is available.
- Essential equipment list with brief specification for all level of health facilities are approved and available
- Annual budget plan for equipment, spare parts and consumables is available
- Skill transfer to maintenance staff deputed by the Hospital authority or Ministry of Health and training modules are available
- Maintenance and Repair staffs are trained and capable to handle the preventive maintenance, routine inspection and calibration of medical equipment and handle the maintenance request and actions
- Establishment of M&R workshop facility at all levels of Hospitals and health centres.
Selection Criteria:
- Internationally recognized qualification including a degree in Clinical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering or Electronics Engineering majoring in medical instrumentation and professional council Certification/Licence recognised in her/his country of residence.
- Minimum of 10 years experience in the management, maintenance and capacity building activities of medical equipment in various levels of hospitals and at least 3 years of similar experience in developing countries.
- Excellent communication, management and problem solving skills together with ability to work well in recourse poor settings and culturally diverse environment.
- Demonstrated experience in equipment maintenance and training programme.
- Excellent knowledge of English Language.
- Knowledge of Tetum, Bahasa Indonesian or Portuguese is an advantage.
- The Medical Equipment Specialist will report to the Head of Medical Equipment Department of Ministry of
Health, Timor-Leste
The position will be located in Ministry of Health/ Medical Equipment Department with frequent travels to the Districts and Health facilities within the country
Duration of the assignment
This assignment will be initially for a period of 24 months. The assignment is subject to a review of satisfactory performance at the end of the first 3-months probationary period. After completion of the assignment, subject to a full performance review, the availability of funding; and the circumstances of the Ministry prevailing at that time, an extension to the agreement may be considered.
How to apply
Send CV and cover letter to Sr. Ivo Da Conceicao Freitas, Head of the Department of Partnership Management, Ministry of Health, Caicoli, Timor-Leste coniz2005@yahoo.com +670 7257533 or Mr Jayendra Bhatta, Central Procurement Advisor, Ministry of Health, Caicoli, Dili, Timor-Leste: jayendrabhatta@yahoo.com +670 7289670
Reference Code: RW_7R8A3J-30
Friday, April 24, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
MInistry of Finance, Consultant, State Assets, Provision of Consolidated Manual, Deadline 30 April 2009
Planning and Financial
Please visit our website at www.mof.gov.tl/ and go to ‘Employment Opportunity’ to learn about our recruitment process and your application requirements including how to address the Selection Criteria in your application.
Applications need to be sent to our Programme Implementation Officer-PFMCBP at email address, pfmcbp@mof.gov.tl, no later than 17:00hours Timor-Leste time on 30th April 2009.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Please note that applications received after the deadline will not be considered.
Terms of Reference
Job Title: Consultant, State Assets, Provision of Consolidated Manual
Reporting to: National Director, National Directorate on Assets Management Senior Management Adviser, Directorate General on State Finances PIO-PFMCBP (for contract administration purposes)
Counterpart staff: National Director, National Directorate on Assets Management
Duration: 6 months
Location: Ministry of Finance, Dili –
Planning and Finance Management Systems in Timor-Leste
Since the restoration of independence in 2002, the Government of Timor-Leste (GoTL) has made steady progress in building its Planning and Finance Management (PFM) systems, but significant challenges remain. Institutions responsible for planning, budgeting, budget execution, revenue collection, and internal control and reporting are particularly weak in a context of rapidly accumulating revenues and expansion of the state budget. The PFM system is characterized by extremely low budget execution on a cash basis, caused by low capacity within the civil service and weaknesses in planning, budgeting, procurement, implementation and project management. Progress to convert existing resources into economic growth and tangible service delivery improvements is slow. Strengthening PFM in any country is a long-term agenda. Sound PFM requires government wide systems and processes that operate in a fully integrated manner; weak links must be addressed in a systematic manner. Areas requiring immediate attention include:
· Linking planning and budgeting
· Reform of procurement and devolution to the line agencies
· Improving cash planning and cash management to prevent excessive Treasury liquidity
· Strengthening core IT systems to support the budget process
· Improving internal and external controls and monitoring
· Implementation of a comprehensive program of capacity building and professional development for civil servants including delivery of incentive and reward reforms.
The Planning and Financial
The PFMCBP aims to achieve sustainably strengthened planning, budgeting, public expenditure management and revenue administration for growth and poverty reduction, with emphasis on efficiency, effectiveness, accountability, integrity, service culture, and transparency.
Funded through a World Bank multi-donor trust fund, the PFMCBP is a five year coordinated program of targeted capacity building in planning and financial management. On its 3rd year of program implementation, the key GoTL implementing agency is the Ministry of Finance (MoF). Early capacity building efforts in MoF focused on getting the PFM system up and running. Through PFMCBP, the GoTL wants to move beyond the transitional substitution of international for local expertise, to an integrated approach to institution building that relies on three pillars: skills and knowledge; systems and processes; and attitudes and behaviors. Based on the three-pillar framework, the objectives for the PFM function are (i) improved service delivery, both to internal clients and to the population; and (ii) to create a sustainable PFM system that would be increasingly managed and run by national staff, with the number of advisers decreasing over time as national staff take on increasing responsibility.
PFMCBP faces two central challenges in the near term. The first challenge will be to creatively and flexibly support elaboration and implementation of the reforms and restructuring pursued by the MOF through its senior management team. It will take time to define and communicate elements of the change process: it must not proceed too quickly, or according to a technical blueprint. The second challenge will be to ensure that the program does not lose focus on the pressing need to support the continuing improvement of the Ministry’s core public finance management responsibilities and maintain operations. Government capacity is already limited and there is a risk that dramatic changes may divert focus.
Program Management
The program is managed and implemented by the MoF through a dedicated Program Implementation Unit (PIU), led by the Program Implementation Officer (PIO). Comprising a core group of TA management specialists, the PIU ensures best practice capacity building efforts throughout the program.
A Steering Committee chaired by the Minister of Finance and involving its senior management Committee provide the strategic direction for the program and ensures that the program progresses in line with the Government’s development and public financial management objectives. A Supervisory Committee chaired by the Minister of Finance and comprising the PFMCBP Donors monitors the progress in program implementation and makes recommendations to the Steering Committee on issues affecting the successful achievement of the program’s objectives. The Supervision Committee also provides a forum for continuous policy dialogue and oversees and advices on the integration of all activities and advisers within the program framework, including coordination and consultation with donors involved in parallel financing and co-financing All Technical Advisers recruited to the PFMCBP are contracted by, and accountable to, the Minister of Finance. Senior Management Advisors are responsible for planning and monitoring the quality of performance of TA assigned to their respective General Directorates.
Ministry of Finance
The Ministry of Finance is the Government body responsible for the design, execution, coordination and assessment of the finance policies defined and approved by the Council of Ministers, particularly in the areas of budget and finance, and the Government’s annual planning and monitoring of their programs.
In 2008, the Ministry of Finance embarked on a process for institutional reform that aimed to improve the quality of services that the Ministry provides to policy-makers, line ministries and districts. The new Organic Law was approved in January 2009 which paved the way for the establishment of four (4) General Directorates, namely, i) General Directorate of State Finances; ii) General Directorate of Revenue & Customs; iii) General Directorate of Policy Analysis & Research, and (iv) General Directorate of Administration and Finance. The Organic Law also approved the creation of 12 National Directorates positioned under each of the four (4) General Directorates. A Senior Management Committee has also been established to transmit reform messages and lead in the performance improvements within the Ministry. The team is composed of the Minister, the Vice- Minister of Finance, the Chief of Staff of the Minister of Finance, the Senior Management Advisers (SMAs-International) of the four (4) General Directorates and the Director-Generals (Timorese) as they are appointed on the interim or recruited and appointed to the position, on permanent capacity.
The National Directorate on Asset Management is the DGSF body that provides support to the whole of Government in the standards and policies relating to the Government register of assets. The National Directorate on Asset Management, NDAM for short, has the following competencies.
a) Supervise and control of the processes, procedures and inventory for the management of all State Assets;
b) Ensure accurate procedures for selling and alienating State assets;
c) Performing other tasks given by law or delegated by the Director-General.
Activities will involve a mixture of capacity building efforts and capacity support (operational activities), aimed at building institutional capacity in the National Directorate on Asset Management, and contributing to the development of an asset management and asset disposal systems which demonstrates state of the art practices. Key areas of focus include the developing of systems and processes which enable the line ministries to apply the asset management and disposal processes in the appropriate manner.
The Consultant will also be expected to have a strong focus on capacity building, delivering/facilitating a mix of on the job/ formal training in relevant areas such as:
· Technical aspects of the Directorate’s activities, including managing the process of auctions for asset disposal;
· Once new policies are in place, training on implementing these policies (e.g. strengthened procedures for monitoring and controlling the use of public assets)
· Training on Free Balance;
· Basic skills, such as numeracy, General IT use, and report-writing, as well as basic mechanics (for minor vehicle and equipment repairs).
In addition, the Consultant will provide regular and monthly report of the activities to the Director General of State Finances/SMA on State Finances and the National Director of the National Directorate on Asset Management. The Consultant is also expected to train and guide trainers in the preparation, management and delivery of training programs.
The consultant will be responsible for the following core tasks:
Manuals and policies
· Prepare Asset Management Manual – consolidating and merging the different manuals in to one manual that will be based in the context of Timor-Leste’s current situation.
· Prepare asset life cycle management policies, guidelines and procedures.
· Prepare set of policies in line with the asset management laws such as: policy of scope of frame work, policy of Asset Classification, policy of asset donation procedure, policy of asset depreciation value, policy of asset report format, policy of Receipt and Inspection, policy for State operational vehicle’s, etc.
Training/ communications
· Provide on the job training and organize formal training courses on the use of the assets management register (maintained in GoTL FMIS)
· Assist with the design of training modules for Logistics Managers from line ministries, on the Manual and associated policies.
· Assist with the development of a civil service wide communications/education strategy for the dissemination of information on management disposal process in the different government ministries, departments and offices who are responsible in the management of government assets.
· In consultation with the Professional Development Program, identify training needs for staff in the National Directorate of Asset Management and develop strategies to secure the necessary skills needed to ensure the long term viability of the National Directorate.
Provide assistance to the national counterpart to:
· Advise GoTL on strategies to ensure that Asset Management and disposal of asset are made in accordance with the government policies, guidelines and procedures.
· Coordinate with all government entities regarding the identification, collection and classification of assets due for disposal.
· Prepare and maintain accurate and reliable and up-to-date data records of all assets disposed.
· Perform asset inspection to determine conditions and estimated cost of maintenance and repairs, and recommend appropriate actions; i.e. disposal of asset, replacement and repair, junk or transfer to other outfits.
· Provide regular and monthly report of the activities to the Director General of State Finances and Director of National Directorate on Asset Management.
· Perform such other technical and inline functions as may be required by the Senior Management Adviser or General Directorate or the Ministry of Finance.
Capacity building functions
· Jointly with the Program Implementation Unit of the PFMCBP and the Adviser HR & Capacity Development, develop an agreed capacity building work plan (based on the Adviser’s own work plan), to incorporate operational activities and capacity building into the core specific activities to be undertaken. Regularly review and revise the work plan;
· Agree on specific tasks within activities for which national counterparts will be responsible; agree on methodology and monitor able indicators for assessing progress on agreed tasks, and for providing feedback to staff;
· Focus on building skills in technical/operational areas such as asset management and disposal and in managerial areas
· Increase, incrementally, the level and number of tasks for which national incumbents are responsible, commensurate with progress/improvements in technical and functional capabilities.
Within the first three (3) weeks of the assignment, the Consultant shall prepare a Work plan based on the objectives of the assignment and specific functions for approval by the National Director of the National Directorate on Asset Management and the General Director on State Finances or the SMA on State Finances prior to implementation, copy furnished to the Program Services Director and the PIO-PFMCBP.
Within the first six (6) weeks of the assignment, the Consultant shall prepare a capacity building work plan, as outlined above. This will be prepared in consultation with human resource development staff and specialist advisers in the ministry.
The Consultant shall then provide a duly endorsed monthly Work plan Progress Report to the National Director on Assets Management Assets; copy furnished to the Director General on State Finances or the SMA for State Finances and PIO-PFMCBP, on the progress and /or completion of the activities outlined in the Work Plan.
Written Outputs:
· A consolidated manual tailored for easy understanding by the Management of the National Directorate on Assets Management and the different line ministries and government institutions.
· Process for disseminating vital information on management disposal to civil servants in the different government ministries, departments and offices who are responsible for the management of government assets.
· Training manual to ensure that civil servants in different ministries and institution and Asset and Disposal understand the process in disposing government assets.
· A consolidated manual which will establish the mechanism for coordination with all government outfits regarding the identification, collection and classification of assets due for disposal.
· Record and filing system which will assist the National Directorate on Assets Management to prepare and maintain accurate and reliable and up-to-date data records of all assets disposed.
· Training manual to upgrade and update skills and knowledge of civil servants in the National Directorate on Assets Management.
The Consultant shall discuss and submit to the National Director on Assets Management no later than five (5) working days before the end of the contract, an end of assignment Work plan Progress Report summarizing work undertaken against the Work plan, the degree to which the work has concluded, and a statement of outstanding tasks.
These competencies shall also form the basis of the selection criteria.
A university degree in a field relevant to the position, preferably in Public Administration, Finance, Accountancy, Engineering
At least 6 (six) years of experience in an operational and managerial role in Asset Management and at least 2 years relevant asset management experience in a developing country in the public sector.
· Ability to work with national staff to build cooperative and productive teams and individual relationships (with national staff and other advisors), incorporating capacity building approaches.
· Background in capacity building and/ or training functions in areas relevant to this position
· Demonstrated capacity to create, develop and identify the services and procedures that are necessary for competent Assets Managers
· Good understanding of databases
· Excellent oral and written communications and with good command of the English language. Fluency to communicate both verbally and written in Tetum and/or Portuguese or any other languages spoken in Timor-Leste would be an advantage.
The Consultant should be familiar with the principles and techniques involved with adult learning, and understand capacity building methodologies. The Consultant must posses excellent oral and written communication skills and be experienced in designing and providing on-the-job training. The Consultant should be able to demonstrate experience in developing and delivering outcomes based capacity building activities, from the needs analysis stage through to execution, evaluation and analysis of ongoing support requirements.
· A commitment to supporting Timorese staff to achieve the outcomes and objectives of the Ministry;
· Committed to training and promoting the professional development of the Ministry’s staff;
· Recognition and respect of peers, and a demonstrated ability to interact effectively and collegially with peers at all levels;
· Demonstrated ability to make sound judgments on capacity issues that will require management referral and guidance;
· Demonstrated ability to work effectively in a mentoring role;
· Demonstrated ability to communicate ideas and analyses clearly and tactfully, both orally and in writing;
· Demonstrated ability to assist and support the development of useful processes and procedures within the unit to implement effectively the work program;
· Demonstrated ability to build skills and knowledge – previous training or teaching experience a plus;
· Demonstrated ability to adapt to challenges in the workplace, including finding creative solutions; and,
· Familiarity with Timor-Leste and Timorese culture and/or willingness to acquire it.
This position is subject to performance evaluations every three (3) months to ensure satisfactory progress in the implementation of the functions of the position.
A university degree in a field relevant to the position, preferably in Public Administration, Finance, Accountancy, Engineering. A formal qualification in training would be desirable.
At least 6 (six) years of experience in an Asset Management operational role , 2 years in a managerial role in Asset Management and at least 2 years relevant asset management experience in a developing country in the public sector.
Significant experience in developing policies, manuals and guidelines for the management, administration and disposal of assets in an easy to understand manner Demonstrated track record of identifying training needs and developing training programs Demonstrated ability to plan and conduct capacity building strategies for staff including adult learning methodologies for building skills and knowledge Proven ability to approach problem solving in a culturally sensitive manner to ensure cooperation, ownership and acceptance
Fluency in English Essential
Fluency Tetum, Portuguese or any other language spoken in Timor Leste Desirable